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Wrestlefest '99 summary

1. The Custodian vs. Shanus - Tombstone/Shoe Match

It started off by Shanus hopping off the roof and attacking The Custodian when The Custodian didn't expect it! Shanus then tried to throw The Custodian into his fence, and the Custodian reversed the whip and SHANUS got thrown THROUGH the fence!! They continued to brawl in the ring and in the end, the double clotheslined each other and The Office Man came in and performed a double choke slam followed by a double-Staple of Death! The match was then thrown out.

2. The Office Man vs. Marvin - Heavyweight Title

Marvin came out and The Office Man pointed to the mat. Marvin laid down and The Office Man pinned Marvin with his foot. 1,2,3. How degrating! Marvin just laid down for the 3 count without a fight! A tradition at a W.T.W. Wrestlefest.

3. Marvin vs. 1-2-then 3 little kids - Handicap

Long, drawn out boring match. The kids had no chance because Marvin was 4X their size! Marvin won in the end with a pin.

4. Brandon vs. a Junior - One on One

This one was fast and furious! They brawled in the ring then out of the ring while The Office Man distracted the ref so the ref couldn't count to 10. In the end, Brandon gave the Junior a bloody nose and the Junior quit. Brondon won via opponent leaving.

5. Stevekind vs. Axel - Lightweight Title

Lots of highschool style techniques pulled in this match. Axel had the upperhand almost the whole match. In the end, Mitch pinned Stevekind for the 3 count. Mitch still has the W.T.W. Lightweight Title.

6. Marvin vs. a different Junior - One on One

Marvin was overtaken in this match. The Junior had the upperhand the whole match and in the end, the Junior pinned Marvin for the 3 count.

7. The Office Man vs. The Invisible Man - Heavyweight Title

Tough, tough struggle for the Office Man! This was a match filled with supreme pro wrestling moves! Elbows, tombstones, piledrivers, everything! In the end, the Office Man Stapled the Invisible Man and pinned the Invisible Man for the 3 count! The Office Man retains the W.T.W. Heavyweight Title.

8. Shanus vs. Hope - One on One

This was a quick match! Shanus bodyslammed Hope, went for a pin, but Hope kicked out! Shanus then chased Hope and tombstoned Hope. Then it was all over, Shanus got the 3 count.

9. Stevekind vs. Shanus - Ownership of the W.T.W., no DQ, falls count anywhere

This was the best match the W.T.W. had ever witnessed! It started out with Stevekind posing when Shanus just bursted out of the garage and ambushed Stevekind! They brawled in the ring and Stevekind threw Shanus over the top rope out of the ring! Stevekind went for a cover and when Shanus kicked out, Stevekind picked Shanus up and threw him into a table! Stevekind began to pose and Shanus ran up from behind and nailed Stevekind in the head with a metal plate! Shanus used a garbage can lid and went for a pin. Stevekind kicked out after a 1 count and Shanus proceeded to throw Stevekind THROUGH a piece of plywood! Shanus spit in Stevekind's face then went to the roof for his usual maneuver...but was surprised to find that Stevekind had followed him up on the roof! THEY FAUGHT ON TOP OF THE ROOF AND STEVEKIND HIT SHANUS WITH A PIECE OF WOOD AND SENT SHANUS OFF THE ROOF!!! Shanus finally managed to get back to his feet and he just went ape nuts on Stevekind, with the ref getting knocked out in the process! Stevekind Pedigreed Shanus and brought the picnic table bench into the ring! He set it up in the corner of the ring and attempted to throw Shanus into the bench, but Shanus reversed it and threw Stevekind into the bench! Shanus then climbed to the top rope and Stevekind threw Shanus off the top rope! Shanus landed on his back and got the wind knocked out of him! Stevekind went for the pin and the ref got up and counted...1,2,3! Stevekind now has full ownership of the W.T.W.!!!

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