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Petition To President Bill Clinton
Human Rights Violators Must Not Be Welcomed In The White House

At a time when basic human rights in Yemen are violated, when critics of the
regime are silenced, and when government terror and repression against
innocent men, women, and children are rampant, the President of Yemen, Field
Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh, comes to Washington and expects to be welcomed in
the White House with open arms. How could this happen, and what kind of a
message will it send to dictators and human rights violators around the world?

Mr. President, before meeting with Field Marshal Saleh this April 4th, please
read this paragraph from the Department of States' 1999 Country Reports on
Human Rights Practices. This is what the report on Yemen had to say about
that country's government:

The Government's human rights record continues to be poor. There are
significant limitations on citizens' right to change their government. There
were instances of extrajudicial killing by some members of the security
forces. Members of the security forces tortured and otherwise abused persons,
and continued to arrest and to detain citizens arbitrarily, especially
oppositionists in the south and other persons regarded as "secessionists."
Prison conditions are poor and some detainees were held in private prisons
not authorized by the Government. PSO officers have broad discretion over
perceived national security issues. Despite constitutional constraints, they
routinely monitor citizens' activities and search their homes, detain
citizens for questioning, and mistreat detainees.

Is there more evidence than this?
Mr. President, no human rights violator should be welcomed in the White
House; the symbol of freedom of the American nation.



Signature: ---------------------------------------