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Translated documents

(Mary Zukauskas Grubowski sent these documents to me. The original documents were found amongst her Grandmother's belongings. There is also a Family Crest, which I will post as soon as I recieve it...posted 2/14/1999...Cat)

Re: George Kavalauskas, Robert F. Price "The Zukowsky File" Following these introductory notes are translations of eight of the documents you gave me for translation. The remaining ones are in Polish. I recommend that you give them to Ms. Danuta Kurczewska, a former student of mine, a native Pole who just graduated from UWSP with an English major and who will attend Law School at UW-Madison In the fall. In my opinion, she has the skills to give you excellent translations of the remaining documents. Here telephone number Is ***-****. Here are some notes about the documents I translated All are official documents from the (Grand Duchy Of Lithuania, a part of the Russian Empire until the 1917 revolution, after which Lithuania became Independent until World War II, when it fell under Soviet control. The current move for independence will probably result In an Independent Lithuania once more -- but I don't make predictions! There Is a book called Lithuania 700 Years, by Albertus Gerutis, In the public library (call number 947.G32). You can get further Information about Lithuania until fairly recent times there. If any of the Information I give below is (wrong) please excuse, but you asked me for some information, so here it is. "Old hat, 11 background The documents refer to the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, "Vilnoll in Russian, to Kaunas or Russian'"Kovno," and to less identifiable Poniewiez. The latter is always in the form of an adjective in the Russian documents - "Ponevezhsky.11 The family estate was located in the County of "Upica.11 Neither Poniewlez nor Upica appear in my five-volume Russian geographic encyclopedia, or in other sources I was able to check, but as pre-Revolutionary names of small villages, they could easily be by-passed. The name of the family estate seems to be "Voylivllnitsa, but It is very difficult to decipher exactly. All of the Russian documents but two are baptismal, and therefore birth, certificates, or as labeled In Slavic languages: "excerpts from the original records of vital statistics." All come from the Poniewlez Roman Catholic Church, were originally in Latin, and (except one) are given here in a Fusoiat,. Translation. The last one Is InTatin with .j a summar in Polish. y The remaining two relate to the Issue of the noble status of the Zukowsky family. One Is a simple certificate from 1883 confirming the noble status of the family and its registry in the "first book of heraldry" of the Russian Empire. Given its late date, it would seem to reflect resolution of the debate presented in the longer document, in which the issue is the sale of the family estate, but nonetheless retention of nobility even without the estate. The estate was originally awarded to Mateusl or Mateush, Zukowsky In 1721. No reasons for such a grant and the concurrent bestowing of noble status are given. (One of the Polish documents which was summarized by your Polish contact Indicates some of the services of the family.) The original land grant and bestowing of nobility was near the end of the reign of Peter The Great, who ruled the Russian Empire from 1689 to 1725. Nobility In the Russian Empire could be attained through service to the Tsar, and that would seem to be the case here. There was an older level of nobility, stretching back Into medieval times and known as the "Boyar class," and then many newer noble families who for faithful service to the Tsar ox the Empire could be granted lands with peasants, and thereby become nobility. Needless to say, there was a certain conflict between the ancient nobility and the new, service nobility. No reference Is made to the size of the estate or the number of serfs, or slaves, attached to it. The numbers of serfs could have been small, even very few, or hundreds or thousands, depending on the service being rewarded and the whim of the Emperor. The issue In the document seems to be that In 1854 Kazimir Zukowsky sold the estate, but he and the family retained the rights and privileges of nobility. Such a sale would have been quite customary In the middle and latter part of the 19th century, when the nobility lacked a sense of direction, tended to squander their wealth, and to get In the position where sale of their lands seemed a viable solution. This action, incidentally, took place before the Crimean War defeat of the Russian Empire, which led directly to the technical freeing of the serfs in 1861. None of this is mentioned in the documents. After that liberation, the gains from selling the estate at least In theory would have been far less, since at least In legal terms; the peasants no longer went with the land. The actual question related to the accuracy of documents presented by the family for registry in the Book of Heraldry, the official record of noble status. The resolution here Is that the family Is advised to obtain and present better documents. Obviously, the documents were found, so that Certificate which starts this file, the family is for recording In the First Book of Nobility. In the certif led

(Translator's note: All the names In the translation have been given in the Polish or Lithuanian variant, with Russian variants and explanatory notes following them. Given names, in particular Mateus, are as shown In the document unless common like Michael or Joseph.) Certificate By order of His imperial Highness, this certificate is given by the Kaunas Assembly of Noble Deputies to Joseph Zukowsky (Russian spelling Zhukovskiy), son of Ivan Ivanovich, born I June 1873. It attests that he, Joseph Zukowsky, by decision of this Assembly on 26 January 1883, is a member of the Zukowsky family that was recognized as part of the nobility by testaments of the Vilnius Assembly of Deputies of the Nobility on 28 February 1812 and 9 June 1833 and confirmed by decree of the Ruling Senate, through the Department of Heraldry, dated 27 April 1855 under #3421. Having been born after the confirmation of his family as nobility, on the basis of Article 284 of Volume IX of the General Law on Social Status, issued In 1876, the above-named is confirmed as part of the nobility and is to be entered in the First Part of the Book of Noble Genealogies. The present certificate is issued on plain (not watermarked) paper on the basis of Article 49 of the Law on Heraldry, under alphabetical point 3. In the City of Kaunas, 23 February 1883. For the Kaunas Provincial Marshal of the Nobility: by two deputies and other officials. Document 2: signed 1854, the 27th day of April, in the "Journal" Assembly of Deputies of the Nobility Is entered: of the Kaunas This statement is Issued In accordance with the request of the nobleman Stepan Ivanovich Zukowsky, of Poniewiez County (Russian Iluezd), on 23 February 1853, and on the basis of the Decree of the Temporary Office of Heraldry on 28 August 1845, under No. 3600. The following official documents are certified: a. Legal properties granted on 20 January 1721 and established and recorded that year in the Upica Rural (Russian "Zemsky," the rural local Jurisdiction) court records. The properties belong to the son Michael Zukowsky by Inheritance from his father, and consist of the estate Woylivlinica (Russian appears to be "Voylivlinitsa), located in Upica County, with peasantry. They were ceded by inheritance to the son Mateus. b . Regarding legal properties granted on 5 March 1794, and recorded on 18 January 1795 in the Upica City Court, Mateus Zukowsky, son of Kazilmir and owner of the estate Woylivllnica with its peasants. He sold said estate to Ivan Tendzyagolsky and attested the Inviolability of the sale to his minor sons Ivan, Kazimir, Andrey and Matvey Zukowsky, sons of Mateus. He (Stefan) requests these documents to confirm the matter of the nobility of the Zukowsky family as recorded in this assembly and for the presentation for court consideration of the Indicated materials for final decision regarding hereditary noble rights. He has requested that for evidence, such court presentation be provided with certification (from the Acts of the Assembly), In the first instance, on the matter of the nobility of the Zukowsky family. Documentation requested to supply Information on the matter of the noble status of the Zukowsky family Is Issued by this Assembly. The bringing of this case in the prescribed manner for presentation will be final consideration of attribution of noble status, and the requester of Information for such a presentation Is to be provided with certification from the Acts of the Assembly. These documents will amount to confirmation of the nobility of the Zukowsky family according to the decision based on the criteria of the Deputy Assembly of the Nobility which took place on 28 February 1812. This Assembly examined first of all the Vilnius Central Review Commission findings, and evaluated findings of the Heraldry Office. Under the Decree of 28 August 1845, No 5600, it was returned to this Assembly for completion of significant shortcomings, so that publication of such a decree for the Zukowsky family, communicated by this Assembly to the Poniewlez County Marshal of the Nobility on 8 November 1846 as No. 4481 and given over for the reaction of the Marshal of the Nobility on 18 March 1853, as No. 344, was brought to this Assembly in the written document of Noble Ivan Ivanovich Zukowsky on 19 March 1853 who reported to the Zukowsky family the forenamed Decree of Heraldry of the Deputy Assembly of the Nobility which seeks additional documents from the Zukowsky family for consideration Including the following certificates: a) Statement of the Head of the Kaunas provincial (Russian "gubernskiy", the equivalent of province) government, 31 August of the present year under No. 13494 showing that the Book of Official Acts of greater Poniewiez for 1721 and the City Court acts for 1795 were lost during the fire of 1807 In the City of Poniewiez. b.) The description by the same official, the Head of the Province, dated 18 February 1854, numbered No 2827, which was a certification that the estate Woyllvllnica was the property of the Zukowsky family and thus proves their rights to nobility, and that this document was truly presented and now Is to be found in the Poniewlez County Records. v.) Supplementary assurance from the Poniewiez County Marshal of the Nobility of 18 March 1853 on the authentic certification by Its official to the Zukowsky family, Issued on 27 August 1841, under No. 1404, which asserted that the Zukowsky family was not deprived of the rights of the nobility by force of law. g.) The Kaunas Public office document of March 28 of this ,year, under No. 729, which at the present time, after careful disinterested consideration of the materials, determined: that the Deputy Assembly of the Nobility, having examined this matter, found that the ancestor of the Zukowsky family, Kazimir Zukowsky, son of Mikhail (or Michael), was the owner by inheritance from his father of the estate Woylivlinica with indentured serfs, that he bequeathed the same to his son Mateus and that to Ivan Tendyaszewsky he guaranteed in inviolability the sale for his sons Ivan, Kazimir, Andrey and Matvey Zukowsky, sons of Mateus, and attested to the actual existence of said estate Woylivlinica, as certified by the Head of Kaunas Province, while the entry of this family on the basis of data of past reviews Into the nobility, their inclusion in the noble ranks and their retention of the rights of nobility by force of law Is attested by the Poniewlez Marshal of the Nobility In the Review for 1816. The non-entry of this family at the present time Into the official records of nobility indicates that the Kaunas Public office, that Is, the Assembly of the Nobility, regards the matter of the nobility of the Zukowsky family to have insufficiently accurate documents as presented by the family for consideration. The third year after the date of issue and with the bringing Into evidence in a proper order of new documents fox the consideration, the Department of Heraldry is empowered to execute the Decree of the Temporary Heraldry Office of 28 August 1843, under No. 5600. The family shall be issued a copy with the article and the Journal fox presentation of legal papers. May 8, 1853 [signed by a Deputy of the Assembly Nobility, signature illegible] of the Note on side: 16 August 1854. A copy of the present resolution is on file at the Poniewiez County Offices. Marshal of the Nobility, represented by (signature illegible) Seal of the Kaunas Deputy Assembly of the Nobility

[Translator's Note: The six document translations below all represent birth record excerpts from records maintained in the period, probably until 1945, by the Catholic Church. it was the official keeper of vital statistics on birth, baptism, marriage and death, and perhaps other statistics. A-11 the names are given, as best they could be deciphered, l.n the Polish spelling, with the Russian spelling following. All documents were labeled "translation from Latin" and then followed by Russian except the last, for Stepan or Stefan, which I translated from the Latin on the babisi of standard conventions for such certificates. The last birth document Is followed by an abbreviated Polish version, so I thought the best result would come by my simply giving you the information from the Latin version. Note that the "points" of the official certificate are labeled according to the Russian alphabet, with the order of a.. b,, v., g . ) Document #3 Translation from Latin Excerpt from the original Registry Book of Vital for Poniewlez Parish Church: Statistics On September 14, 1756, Priest Josif Leventis of the Poniewiez Vicary baptized the baby named Mateus, born on the 12th day of the same month of the legally married parents Kazimir Zukowsky and Katherine born Kozlowsky. The godparents were Kazimir Kotniewsky and Katherine Boleronsky. This excerpt from the records is given by Priest Stanislaw Wercinsky (Russian Vertsinskly, Upica (city name) Deacon, under Registry No. 604. By decree of his Imperial Highness, the Vilnius Roman Catholic Church Office, approving registration on 15 May of the present year, certifies this excerpt from the records on the birth and baptism of Mateus Zukowsky, son of Kazimir, as worthy of signing and the attached seals. It also certifies the following: a: That this excerpt was Issued on 12 September 1843, from the records of the former Parish Commission, on the basis of legal authorization; b. That there were no additional remarks accompanying data taken from the record books; the V. That the information Issued on 21 May 1843 was verified by Vilnius canon Dionisly Paciewicz (Russian "Patsevich"). Secretary of the (St.) Stephen's Church Rectory, Peter Wonzinsky (Russian "Vonzhinsky"). Registry No. 3604

ON PAGE TWO certificate Translation from Latin Excerpt from the Record Book Document #4 Excerpt from the original registry of vital statistics of the Poniewiez Parish Church. On 14 September 1756, the Rev. Josif Genillo of the Poniewlez Church baptized the child Mateus, born on the 12th day of the same month to the married couple Kazimir Zukowsky and Katherine (Russian "Ekaterinall) Ioniszycz Kozlowsky. The godparents were Kazimir Kotkiewicz (Russian Kotkevich) and Katherine BaltzumieJowa. This excerpt from the records book was prepared by E'rieBt Stanislav Wgareinbky (Russian "Vgartsinsky"), deacon of Upica church. By decree of his imperial Highness, the Vilnius Roman Catholic Church office certifies the registration of the child. The excerpt from the records on the birth and baptism of Mateus Zukowsky, son of Kazimir, Is certified to be accurate and based on official public record office materials. The excerpt was prepared from records for 12 September 1841 that were at the disposal of the Commission established by the highest order to execute such acts. It was prepared on May 11 of the present year. The excerpt is a copy certified to be accurate and without any omissions. The excerpted document has legal authority as of 21 May 1843. Official executing the document: Vilnius Canon Dionicly Paciewicz (Dionitsiy Patsevich)in Russian. According to the Third Article (of the code on such certificates) Collegiate Registrar Peter Wajpilowiczs Document 05 Translation from Latin Excerpt from the original Records of vital Statistics of Poniewiez Parish Church. On 20 November 1790, Priest Franz Mojsindowicz (Russian "MoJsindovich"), of the Poniewiez Vicary, baptized a child named Andrey, who was born to the legally married couple Mateus Zukowsky and Anna Chipurnowicz. The god-parents were Vartolamey Stanislawsky and Dorotea Kupchiejicz. This excerpt from the record books is issued and certified as a true and complete legal copy by Priest Stanisla Wgarcinsky, Upica Church Deacon.. By decree of His imperial Highness, The Vilnius Roman Catholic Church Office, on the basis of its resolution dated 11 May of this year, certifies: a): That this registry record excerpt on the birth and baptism of Andrey Zukowsky, son of Mateus, Is an accurate and complete reproduction of the original document of the excerpt Issued on 12 September 1841, which was based on examination by the Commission as established by the highest authority; b): That in the course of preparing to issue this from the record, no appended remarks were found; and excerpt v) : That May 1843. the document issued has legal authority as of 26 On side of page: No. 3763 ABSCSSor {civil ranki Vilnius Canon Dionicly Paciewicz On the basis of article 3 [of the Code on such certificates Collegiate Registrar civil rank) Peter wayliewicz Document #6 Excerpt from the original Records of Poniewlez Parish Church Vital statistics of On February 1, 1794, Priest Franz majlindowicz '(Russian "MaJlindovich") of the Poniewiez Vicary baptized a child named Matvey, born of the legally married couple Mateus Zukowsky and Anna Zukowsky born Czipurnowicz. The godparents were noble Andrey Pomoczit and Agata Budzionowna. This excerpt from the official records was issued by Upitsky Deacon, Father Stanislaw Wgarcinsky (Russian "Vgartsinsky"). By decree of his Imperial Highness, the Vilnius Roman Catholic Church office, on the basis of Its resolution of May 11 of this year, certifies this excerpt from the official records of vital statistics on birth and baptism of Matvey Zukowsky, son of Mateus, with the attached official seal of the Public Records Office, to be true and accurate, and that: a) . b) . This excerpt was issued on the basis of the excerpt Issued on September 12, 1841, from materials available for examination by the Commission for registering Kaunas official records; That In the course of preparing this official copy, no additional remarks were found, and that this document has legal authority as of May 26,1843.

George baptized couple The Assessore Vilnius Cleric Dionicii Paciewicz at bottom of page: on the basis of Article 3 (of the code on such certificates) Collegiate Registrar Peter Wajliniewicz Document #7 Excerpt from original records of vital Poniewiez Parish Church. Statistics of On February 10, 1788, Priest Franz Tarwid of the Kirlismigen (spelling uncertain) order baptized a child named Kazimir - Matvey, son of Mateus, born of the legally married couple Mateus Zukowsky and Anna Zukowsky born Czipurnowicz. The godparents were Ivan Ruchus and Katherine Chipurnowicz. This excerpt from the records was prepared, and Its accuracy Is certified, by Upica Deacon and Poniewlez Dean Priest Stanislaw Wgarcinsky. By decree of his Imperial Highness, the Vilnius Roman Catholic Church office on the basis of Its resolution of May 11 of the current year, certifies the excerpt from the records on the birth and baptism of Kazimir-Matvey Zukowsky, son of Mateus, with the attached official seal, to be a true and accurate copy, Including: a). That this excerpt was originally issued on September 12, 1841, from the records of the highest executive office; b). That In the course of preparing this copy no additional comments were found, and v). That the document issued has legal authority as of May 21, 1843. Assessor, Vilnius Cleric Dionicit Paciewicz (lower note:: on the basis certificates) of the Third Article (of the Collegiate Registrar Peter WaJItnewicz code on such (Document 08 given in Latin with a very brief sum'mar In Polish, relates to Stefan Zukowsky; the following is the gist of it) In the Baptismal Poniewiez District, following baptism: Record Book of the Vilnius Province, Parish Church of is registered the On the 22 of (month Illegible), 1818, Priest Walnalowicz, vicar of the Poniewiez Catholic Church a child named Stephan, born of the legally married John Zukowsky and Barbara Zukowsky born Zynacky (godparents were John Kuzminsky and Anna Weskinowna.)



JACK SHARKEY (James Paul Zukauskas)

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