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About the Project
About the Project

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About the Project
Throw us some email

This project was made for the Advanced Placement Symposium class, taught by Mrs. Place. Mrs. Place happens to be one of the coolest people in the world. And I'm not just saying that for a grade. This isn't part of the project (it's for fun, imagine that) so it doesn't even matter. We are all seniors at John Marshall High School in Rochester, Minnesota.

Our assignment was to create a study aid for a certain literary group. We spent a few weeks working in class in our groups, and this is our finished product. This website is written from scratch by Elizabeth (me), except for a few javascript things on the main page. I haven't quite gotten a handle on javascript yet, but html works well for what needs to be accomplished here.

The group members that wrote all the material in this project are Bidisha, Emily, Elizabeth, and Melissa.

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Emily, Melissa, Elizabeth, Bidisha

Emily and Elizabeth will be attending UW-Madison next year.
Melissa and Bidisha will be attending St. Olaf College next year.

Email Bidisha | Email Elizabeth | Email Emily | Email Melissa
Email all of us at the same time