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Native American Literature
Native American Literature: Michael Dorris

Native American:
Michael Dorris

Sees Behind Trees
The Window

Asian American
Hispanic American
Jewish American

About the Project

Michael Dorris, who is part Native American, was born on January 30, 1945 in Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated from Georgetown University with an English and classics major in 1967, and later earned an anthropology degree and a masters of philosophy from Yale. He worked in Alaska for a while and finally settled in a teaching job at Dartmouth College. He created a foundation there called the Native American Studies Program. He married Louise Erdrich and later separated from her. After this separation and a devastating accusation made against him by his children, Dorris committed suicide in 1997.

Look at our commentaries on Sees Behind Trees and The Window

Books by Michael Dorris
The Broken Cord: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Loss of the Future
Native Americans Five Hundred Years
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
A Guide to Research on North American Indians
The Crown of Columbus
Working Men
Rooms in the House of Stone
Paper Trail
Cloud Chamber

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