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Jenny's Story

Hello my name is Jenny Samdahl, and I would like to tell you my story if I could. I was born june 19th in san francisco calif, I was put up for adoption by my real mother when I was a month ol.She could not afford to raise me, she was a single motherand at that time it was wrong for single women to raise they baby by their own. I was adopted by a family called the samdahl's they wanted a baby girl for my brother,he also was adopted by the samdahl's too. I rember when I was about 5 or six he would start picking on me for no reason, You know brother sister's fight's and I would be the one who wound up getting hurt. If I rember right I was about 8 or 9 I swallowed my brother's prize quarter, I had to go to the hospital to have it taken out of me. They would not give the quarter backmy brother never forgave me but today we laugh about it.I rember when I was about 8 or 9 a neighbor girl came over and asked me if I wanted to go swimming with her and I said yes,she had a swimming pool in her back yard, she wanted me to suck on her breast's and of course I did. She did some more things to me when it was over I ran home. I never told my parent's because they would never belive me anyway. The neighbor's moved for which I was glad I was about ten when my parent's started to put me groups homes because they could not handle me.I was shoved around the system untill my mother got sick. And we moved to minn where my mom's family lived I was pushed around again, my brother always got to stay with my mom and dad I never did. I went to live with my mom's sister and her family. Everymorning we had to get up early to have morning prayer's I hated that my mom's sister never treated me right, she would always put me down saying I could never do stuff like being a candy striper. Because I was a retard she always had to ok the books that I would read, she never did that to her kids just me. It was the same with the clothe's I wore too it always had to be her ok. When I turned 14 I wanted out of that family. I moved into a group home that cared about me they did not put me down I told them that I wanted to be a candy striper, and they helped me get to be a candy striper. I was 17 and moved home again. I was 17 when I got elspi I was living at home also in my lasy year of high school, I had to quit because I had no front teeth. Because of a fit I had my dad would not take me to a doctor so I had to take my mom's med's. Then in between I met my first boy friend his name was Leo he treated me like a queen, we moved in together it lasted about four years.Then I met my first husband when I was still with Leo, I guess you would say I cheated on him.Bill my first husbandmade it seem so great. I think the only thing we had in common was great sex, except for my daughter. Bill would make me do a lot of icky things through out our marraige, he would make me have threesome's with his friends or other wise I would be kicked out of the house. But I got out of that marraige I moved into a boarding home for awhile, at night I would go to bars looking for sex, and I got it I guess you would say I was looking for love in the wron place. Mind you I did not get payed for sex just a drink that was all I wanted. At the bar I went to all the time the men gave me a name little oral annie, oh how I hated that name. One night I went to a bar with a friend of mine that is where I met my second husband. I was 25 at the time and he was 52, Iam 40 today and he is 67, we have been thru our ups and downs but we still love each other. I guess you would this is my story. I hope that it helps other people. Hugs Jenny

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