Hi all, and welcome to my place!! Please, make yourself comfy, and enjoy your stay!
I have many many gifs, in a few different catagories. I hope theres something here for everyone!
All of the gifs/images within my site were found while surfing the web. To my knowledge, all of them are public domain. If you know otherwise, please email me, and I will either remove the image, or give credit to whoever deserves it.
PLease feel free to use anything you find here, unless otherwise noted. Please
do NOT shovel any of my pages, as it took me alot of time to find everything
and make them. Please, if you use anything found here, grab one of my banners
and put a link up to this page, that way others have a way here to get something
for themselves.
6/28/00 NOTE:Due to Angelfires new approach to the no linking
rule, please transload any images, or put them in your pagebuilder scrapebook.
If you try and link to any of my images, you will get an Angelfire default
image. This also means that anyone using my banners, people with my awards,
or people Ive made special gifs for need to transload those as well if you
havnt already. Im sorry! :-(
UPDATE6/21/08 Been FOREVER since Ive updated.. Will Be making some changes and updating soon, to all yous who stuck around over the last few years of neglect, welcome back, thank you, and email me if you need me! Tania
Thanks so much for coming! Please sign my GuestBook while your here, I love
to know who stopped in.
If you need anything, feel free to email me
My page of credits, to say Thanks to some of the people I got images/help
These are the winners of one of my awards! Be sure to take a peek at these
awesome sites!!!
Awesome Tiger images!!
85 Images!
If you would like to link to my page, Ive got some banners here for you to
Here is my first page of Wolf images!
72 Images!
This page has some awesome globes! They all come from the same Lady, and theres
a new one displayed here every week, as well as some to use.
This page has links to all the awesome, cool sites that I just love to use!
This page has everything you need to make some AwEsOmE banners!!!
Tons and tons of Christmas Images, clipart, BG's, and banners.
176 Images!
This page has links to some tutorials, search engines, and fun stuff for
your email or homepage.
Step into the world of Kings and Queens!
44 Images!
Come and visit all my friends HomePages! Theres always a warm welcome and
smile waiting for you here....
Apply here for an award for your site! Or, submit an award for a friends
14 Awards!
Come see the awards Ive been honored with, and check out the sites I recieved
them from.
This page has poems that were written by some of my online friends. Please
take a minute to enjoy them!(look, but no touch hehe)
A page a friend and I made together. Links to alot of good Rottie stuff.
Also, Rottie images, and a link to my Rotties page!!
This is a page I made for my sister. Shes a leopard LOVER! I also threw in
some other images I thought she would like.
80 Images!
Another page of wolf images! Such a gorgous animal....
54 Images!
Holy Horses!!! Page 3 of beautiful horse Images.
102 Images!WoW!
Cool Frames you can use on your online pictures, or, print them out and use
them for photos!..This page isnt done yet, alot more to come!
New Page!!
My wonderful Homepage set was made by Chrystal of Wildlife Of The World~Please
visit her site!! Thank You Chrystal!!
***My Raven set is NOT for use by others!***