Hidden, the whispers on Angels catch
You off guard, stuck forever in your dreams
Devils laugh at your expense
No longer caring if you fall
Impossible things happen
Before your eyes you see
The world goes dark
Only the light of the moon and the stars guide
Your way down the lonely road
A small collection of spells indicates
The secrets you still hide from yourself
Dreaming up a new world in your
Passionate imagination
Problems are now easily solved
Do you rebel against the collection of fear?
Or do you cower?
The precious god and the beautiful goddess kneel
before you
Their sad eyes aid you to a newly found courage
Time no longer limits your journey
On impulse, your destructive ways come on full force
Your instructions are clear
Now you must confess your darkest sins
The fantastic killer runs wild
Karma keeps all hope alive
Songs of love flow through the universe
You still feel so small
Can you judge those that strive to be perfect?
Do you question the words sacred deities speak?
Or do you sing to the Mother Earth?
Are you ashamed of the lust all those around you feel?
Can you question Heaven or Hell?
You've fallen into a universe you never thought was there
No longer passionate about the music the wind plays
Expecting aid from the water and air around you
Will they help?
Scared, the entrance is full of fire
Furious moods no longer seem so pure
The light of the fire flickers on the glowing gem
Hear the glass of your denial crack just a little bit
Soon you'll be free
Keep your head above the shadowed water
Your eyes stay open in the face of the monster
Don't run from your pain
Smile; light the path to your future.