Thursday, December 26, 2002

Hope everyone had a happy holiday, stuffed themselves properly and was polite to their in-laws. Mine was quite lovely and I greatly appreciated the opprotunity to spend time with the cousins. NOW! Onto the articles! (HAHAH, I've returned!!!)

Proof That Socialism Cannot Work
By Dan Mahoney
"Socialism, a socioeconomic system in which the means of production are publicly
rather than privately owned, is a very old idea that has occurred in many guises
throughout history. There correspondingly have been many objections to it...While
these objections are of tremendous importance, from an economic perspective, they
really do not get to the heart of socialism’s problems. "
June 28, 2001

Dangers of the AMT
By Mark Thornton
"The government tells you that your taxes are being cut. What you may not have
heard is that you may soon be drafted into an entirely separate tax system that receives
very little public attention outside publications for tax accountants."
July 6, 2001

Tennessee in Revolt
By Gregory Bresiger
"Disaster struck in Tennessee last week—a disaster, at least, from the viewpoint of
career politicians of both parties and of members of the elite media, who seem to support
every expansion of government."
July 18, 2001

The New Communism
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The political and ideological forces that gave rise to Bolshevism at the turn of the
century are similarly inspiring the movement that looted and burned last month in
Genoa, and, before that in Quebec City, Davos, and Seattle. The experience of both causes
shows how violent fanatics can gain a political stronghold, and influence the course of
history, provided they choose their issues carefully—and just as carefully conceal their ambitions."
August 13, 2001

Capitalism for Kids
By Paula Smith
"Parents and non-parents alike should quake in fear at the methods in which our young
people are being taught in school, both public and private. In the public school systems,
we see all children learning in conformity with the "lowest common denominator," while in
private schools, the children are brainwashed with the "community service" mantra and all
other forms of political correctness. What is a capitalist parent to do?"
September 7, 2001

The Oil Dependency Myth
By Willliam L. Anderson
"There are times when economists come up with "free market" ideas that are so bad, they
cry out for a reply. Martin Feldstein...has come out with a "free market" energy plan that
defies logic--and even the imagination. Like so many other proposed energy-related policy
abominations, it deserves to be trashed even before the scheme is brought out of the box."
January 4, 2002

Tolkien v. Power
By Alberto Mingardi and Carlo Stagnaro
"A 1997 readers’ poll conducted by Britain’s Channel 4 and the Waterstone’s bookstore
chain voted J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings the “greatest book of the century.”...Indeed,
as Justin Raimondo points out, his point wasn’t to bash industry or capitalism; it was to illustrate
that evil is expansionist and projects itself even on the landscape. Hence bad environmental
aesthetics are a reflection of bad rulers, which is to say, the use of power."
February 26, 2002


Saturday, December 07, 2002

Heyhey, more articles, new links and I stuffed most of the front page's updates into an archive for anyone who actually is interested. It's all the same stuff, the links to the new areas, spelling mistakes, etc.

Disastrous utopia
By Thomas Sowell
"Socialism is a wonderful idea. It is only as a reality that it has been disastrous. Among
people of every race, color, and creed, all around the world, socialism has led to hunger
in countries that used to have surplus food to export."
December 05, 2002

The HIV vaccine that no one wants
By Rich Lowry
"World AIDS Day (Dec. 1) came and went with barely any notice of the fact that a kind
of vaccine against HIV has been researched, tested and is available to save countless
lives in Africa. It was first developed during the late 1980s in Uganda, where it has
created the biggest drop in HIV prevalence in the world. It hasn't yet been patented or
advertised, but it has a name: abstinence and marital fidelity."
December 06, 2002

What's Wrong with Taxation?
By Tibor R. Machan
"Liberty is incompatible with taxation. This despite that famous saying by Oliver
Wendell Holmes that "Taxation is the price we pay for civilization." In fact,
taxation is a most uncivilized way of obtaining funds, given that it boils down
to nothing less than extortion."
December 04, 2002

Europe RIP
Paul Craig Roberts
"Europe as we have known it is disappearing. Soon there will be no France, no
Germany, no Italy, no Austria, no Spain, no Denmark, no Belgium, no Holland,
no Greece, no Ireland, no Great Britain. Every country will be gone. In their place
will be the European Union."
December 04, 2002


Sunday, December 01, 2002

I will be making a place for the old updates to go, but not this week, since I was intelligent and careful and so very, very concerned with my homework. Yes, I had a 5 day weekend from school and decided to put off all my--okay, not all-- in fairness (to myself) I did go over the outlines that are due in English. Anyhow, long story short, nothing past the articles is going up today. Maybe something will get done by Wednesday.

Well, I have a few more articles and a couple links that are interesting. The first one being: The University of Texas' Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. Really very interesting for those of you interested in cartography or just enjoy looking at how the world has changed (politically and physically) over the years. The second is for an article that is rather old, but holds a quote that just sticks out in my mind as very interesting. You can read it here. The third is hilarious if you put it in perspective. In Afghanistan, the U.S. has basically kicked ass everywhere we've gone. We've got the most competent force in the entire world and what takes us out? Not guns, not knives, not nerve gas, not's turkey stuffing. Go fig.

The links below are all good reading and make a few fair points in a number of cases. There are a few of them, but they're easy to understand and go rather quickly.

One of Top Customs Drug Dogs Retires.
By Seth Hettena (Associated Press)
"SAN DIEGO (AP) — Mexico's most-feared drug cartel put a price on his head. Over the
years, his keen senses routinely frustrated smugglers by sniffing out 33 tons of drugs
valued at more than $306 million."
November 27, 2002

By Thomas Sowell, a set of three articles all dealing with the myths surrounding Gun Control:

Gun Control myths
"Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm of Bentley College deserves some sort of special prize
for taking on the thankless task of talking sense on a subject where nonsense is
deeply entrenched and fiercely dogmatic."
November 26, 2002

Gun control myths II
"Talking facts to gun control zealots is only likely to make them angry. But the rest of us
need to know what the facts are. More than that, we need to know that much of what
the gun controllers claim as facts will not stand up under scrutiny."
November 27, 2002

Gun control myths III
"Most people who are in favor of gun control laws support such laws because they
believe that these laws will reduce the number of firearms deaths. Such people are
not the problem. Their minds can be changed when they learn that the facts are very
different from what they have imagined or have been led to believe."
November 28, 2002

Non-politically correct thinking
By Walter Williams
"There're lots of terms used in ways that have great emotional worth but little analytical value. Take the
term discrimination. When selecting a wife, some 43 years ago, not every woman was given an equal
opportunity. I discriminated against white, Chinese and Japanese women, not to mention criminal women."
November 27, 2002

Atomic Lab Cops Do Job, Get Fired
By Noah Shactman
"Senior investigators hired to root out fraud and corruption at Los Alamos National Laboratory have
been fired -- just days after revealing what they knew to officials with the Department of Energy's
inspector general."
November 27, 2002

'My name is Hugh, and I'm a talk-show host...'
By Hugh Hewitt
"Talk-show hosts expect criticism. The best among us make the political weather, and that
creates a lot of wind – some of it blowing back at us. So Tom Daschle's attack was not only to
be expected, it was pretty pathetic as attacks go."
November 27, 2002

Kids, guns and Dr. Phil
By Larry Elder
"Move over Mr. Anti-Second Amendment Michael Moore, and make way for Dr. Phil. Dr.
Phil recently aired a program in which he staged an experiment to demonstrate the danger
of guns in the home." November 28, 2002

Gore Endorses Canada's Medical System
by William L. Anderson
"In a recent newspaper interview, Al Gore finally came out of the socialist closet
and declared that the "solution" to what he deems as a "crisis" in U.S. medical care
is for the government to impose a "single payer system.""
November 29, 2002
