Ophelia the Fair Maid of Elsinor

November, 2002

Ophelia the fair maid of Elsinor
Withered away like a rose
Like moonshine she held no color
In the darkness she seemed to glow.

Whispers of death and madness
Flew through fief and hold
The peasants and gentry waited
To see how future'd be told

While I contrived aboard a pirate's ship,
My fair maid lost her mind.
While I traversed the waters,
My fair maid did in kind.

Alas, 'twas my hand that pushed her,
As I now may glean.
Polonius the fallen father,
Was always first afore me.

I cross a lake of blackness,
I cross a lake of shade
My eternity to suffer,
In torment and in pain.

Look in yonder window though,
A fair maid the Heaven's keep!
I gaze upon her silent face,
And wearily I weep.

Copyright Ayleeandra Rowan, nothing presented here may be used without the author's express permission.
