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How To Create A Banner With A Border, Images, and Text

The first step in making a very cool banner is deciding what you want it to look like before you begin!

You will need several different items, all of which can be found on the previous page, or you can find and make your own.

You will need a plain background, sized to a width of 400 pixels, and a height of 100. It should look like this:

You will need two images (the same image can be rotated to appear mirrored when applied to the other side) that have been resized to a heigth of 70 pixels and the width of your preference. They will look something like this:


or one that will look the same on both sides like this:

You will need a vertical bar, sized to a width of 15, and a height of 100 pixels, like this:

and you will need a horizontal bar, sized to a width of 400 pixels, and a height of 15.

Like this:

All of this resizing can be done easily at MyImager.< br>

Make sure you write down the URLs to all of the images you will be using and know which ones are which. This will save you money on Tylenol for the headache you will have if you don't!

Now that we have all our images, we can go to Image Magick to put them all together!

The first step is to get your plain banner background image pulled up at Image Magick. You do this by entering the URL in both of the boxes and then select "View". Is your banner there? I hope so!!

Now select "Composite" from the file menus at the top of the screen. In the boxes (yes, both of them!) type in the URL of your horizontal bar. It must be at a width of 400 pixels prior to this, or it will not show up when you do the composite.

After you type in the URL, for location, select "North". For Composite operation, select "Replace". Click on the composite button. You should see this:

Go up and select "Composite" again. Your URL for your horizontal bar should still be in the box. Leave it there! Select "South" for your location, and leave "Replace" as your operation. Click on the composite button. You should see this now:

Go up and select "Composite" again. Now you will need to change the URLs in the box to the URL of your vertical bar. For your location, select "West", keep it on Replace, and click the composite button. Your banner should look like this:

Go up and select Composite once more. Leave the same URL in the box, but select "East" as your location. Leave Replace as the operation, and click on the composite button. Now you should have a banner with a cool border:

The next step, and this is VERY important, is to save this banner background with the border!! This will save you some time later if you decide you don't like the images you selected!

To save it, go up and select "Output". For format select either gif or jpg, depending on what the format of the plain background is. Select "clipboard" and then click on the output button. Click on your image and then transload it to your site. Your image should appear snug inside your border on the left side. Go up and select Composite again. The URL of the image will still be in the box.

If you are using 2 different images you will want to change the URL to the image you want to go on the right side. In the location box you will need to type +328+15. Select "Over" and then click the composite button.

This is what your banner should look like now:

The next step is to write on your banner. Go up and select "Annotate". Type the text you want to appear on your banner into the box. You can select what ever font style you wish and the size of the font will vary depending on how wide your images are. Select the color and click on "Annotate".

Your banner should look something like this:

Congratulations! You did it!

Make sure you save it same as before and transload it.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please Email Michelle or Raven. We will be happy to help you.

Banner tutorial created for me by Michelle