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We frame pictures that are special to us in real life, and place them around our home. The frames show style, memorys, attitude, and so much more. So, why shouldnt we also frame our online pictures, and place them around our "web home"?!
Here you will find my collection of frames, free for the taking! As always, should you use them on your website, I'd greatly appreciate a link to my main page, so others may come and grab some of their own.
These frames were made with backgrounds/images found online, and to my knowledge, were publc domain. If Im wrong, please let me know. I dont want to "steal" peoples work, I want to make things for others to enjoy!!
Also, please remember, no linking to my images anymore :-(
Ok, onto the frames!!

This is a pic of My dog Cypress, see what you can do!!

*These frames already have transparent centers. The numbers in the frames URL is the size of the whole frame, and the numbers with the frame description, is the size of the pic hole.(except the first one) First 9 have diff. URLs*
*Red/Black* 209x207 made for steve & milo*Turquoise* 181x181*Colored* 161x161*Blue Lace* 209x209
*Lightening* 153x173*Cool Blue* 185x188*Leopard* 169x229*Bubbles* 153x153
*Racing* 153x122 made for tony*Orange* 185x187*Wild* 185x187*Smokey* 145x144
*Unicorn,Tiger,Woman* 142x163*Tiger* 185x105*Rainbow* 129x161*Pikachu* 181x168
*Purple* 145x145*Tie-Dye* 121x121*Tan Silk* 141x165*Orchid* 141x141
*Dolphins* 161x161*Lapras* 177x185*Lilac* 141x141*Mermaid* 161x135
*Snowflakes* 177x181