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Copeland Family

Copeland Family


Albert Wiseman and Jane Breeden Copeland. Albert Wiseman is a brother of my great grand father John Richard Copeland

This is my mother, Effie Stowe Copeland, w/ friend Sophie. Union, MO 1934.

This is my Dad and his brothers. Left to right, Dainey, Dewey, Otto, Fred w/ Woodrow standing in front and Onie. Union, MO 1935.

This is my great great grand parents, John R. and Mary America Wiseman Copeland. This looks like a charcoal drawing. Probably done about mid 1800s.

This is Francis Marion Copeland (sitting on left) and John Richard Copeland standing on right. The other two I don't recognize.

This is my Dad, Dainey Copeland, when he was in the Navy in 1943.

This is my Dad Dainey and my uncle Elmer Stowe w/ son Billy. California 1937.

This is my brother Bill Copeland in Minnesota in 1977.

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