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undefined AD&D Video Role Playing Game Netbook

This site is designed for putting things from various video role playing (or otherwise)games into AD&D rules. So far, I've got items from the Final Fantasy series, Breath of Fire, and Chrono Trigger.

Please, I'm open to any and all submissions! Just email them to me. Make sure you tell me what it's based on, character, name of game, etc. -

Classes - Kits - Races - Monsters - Magical Items and Weapons - Spells

Or search by game:

Final Fantasy The Legend of Zelda Breath of Fire Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger

Other Links My favorite AD&D site.
The Little Book of Horrors The best place for player created monsters.
Soth 69's Site Contains a little bit of everything.
Island of WonderA site related to the campaign I am currently DMing.