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The Brood

Ability Score Adjustments
The brood receive a +1 to dexterity, a +1 to constitution, and a -1 to wisdom.

Class Maximum Level
Fighter 15
Thief 12
Mage 11
Cleric 7
Ranger 15
Bard 13
Druid 18
Paladin 6


Attribute Max. Min.
STR 18/00 4
DEX 19 5
CON 19 5
INT 18 5
WIS 18 5
CHA 18 5

The brood were once a race and thriving civilization. However, 2000 years ago, the Guardians of the Faith waged holy war on the brood and the civilization was nearly wiped out. A few sparse broods survived and began mixing with humans and elves. The gene tends to lay dormant and only shows itself every few generations. The odds of giving birth to a brood are as follows.

  Father, No gene present Father, Dormant Gene Father, Full Brood
Mother, No gene 0% 21% 43%
Mother, Dormant Gene 29% 50% 77%
Mother, Full Brood 57% 79% 100%

The brood gene gives the carrier the ability to transform into a dragon. While in human form, they are marked by their blue hair. There are essentially 3 forms of the dragon that a brood can takee, Whelp, Drake, and Behemoth.

Minimum Transformation Abilities Whelp Drake Behemoth
Fighter 1 7 12
Thief 1 8 13
Mage 1 5 9
Cleric 1 4 7
Ranger 1 8 12
Bard 1 7 11
Druid 1 8 12
Paladin 1 5 --

Developing dragon's Stats

When determinll magical bonus and Dexterity Adjustments apply, Armor and Shield Adjustments do not. A fighter wearing Splint Mail +2, a dex adjustment of -1, and a Ring of Protection -2, would have an total AC adjustment of -5, so if he transforms into a whelp, his AC would be 3.

Upon reaching a certain level, the brood begins receiving elemental abilities. At the beginning of transformation, player announces the elemental abilities chosen. Player may use multiple elemental abilities at double the cost of hit points. A character learns a new elemental ability each time he goes up in level, after he reaches a certain level determined by their

Transformation Name Bite Attack Claw Attack Tail Attack(Rounds Stunned) Natural AC Flying Ability
Whelp 1d10 1d4/1d4 1d4(1d6) 8 --
Drake 1d12+2 1d6+1/1d6+1 1d6(1d8) 4 E
Behemoth 2d8+2 1d8+1/1d8+1 1d8(1d10) 1 C


Begins Learning at level... Fighter Thief Mage Bard Cleric Druid Ranger Paladin
  4 4 3 4 3 5 4 2

Every time a new level is reached, roll 1d8 to determine which element is learned. Continue rerolling until a new element is learned.

1 Fire
2 Water
3 Earth
4 Air
5 Thunder
6 Light
7 Shadow
8 Mind

Click here to get brood elemental powers.

When a player decides to transform, he must announce what form he is taking (whelp, drake, or behemoth) and any elemental powers (if any) being used. Staying in brood form is allowed as long as he has hit points, though the more powers taken, the faster hit points are depleted. A brood loses a certain number of hit points each round.

  Hit Points Taken per Round
Whelp 1
Drake 2
Behemoth 4
Elemental Ability* 2
Second Element* 4
Third Element* 8
*: This is cumulative with any other effects.  

Upon returning to human form, the brood makes a system shock roll. Add a +5% bonus for every 10 points remaining, and a 10% penalty for every point under 0. If the brood fails, he falls unconscious for 1d19 rounds plus 1 for each point under zero. Also, if failed, he loses half of his hit points, with an addition 5% lost for each point under zero received. The natural loss of hit points (as a result of elemental abilities or form) will never bring hit points below zero.

Transformation Name Bite Attack Claw Attack Tail Attack(Rounds Stunned) Natural AC Flying Ability
Whelp 1d10 1d4/1d4 1d4(1d6) 8 --
Drake 1d12+2 1d6+1/1d6+1 1d6(1d8) 4 E
Behemoth 2d8+2 1d8+1/1d8+1 1d8(1d10) 1 C

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