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Climate/Terrain Any
Frequency Common
Organization Solitary or Pack
Activity Cycle Day
Diet Herbivore
Intelligence Semi (2-4)
Treasure Nil
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1-30
Armor Class 6
Movement 32
Hit Dice 3
Thac0 18
No. of Attacks 3
Damage/Attack 1d4/1d4/1d6
Special Attacks Pin
Special Defenses Run
Magic Resistance 0%
Size M(4-8 feet tall)
Morale Exceptional (14-15)
XP Value 300

A chocobo is a sprinting bird, resembing a bizzare cross between ostriches and parakeets. They stand on average 6 feet tall. Most chocobo's have yellow feathers, though other colors can be found all over the world. Commonly used as mounts, they can sprint incredibly fast, and if neccesary can flutter like a chicken for almost 50 feet before landing again.

The chocobo usually avoids combat, though if forced into it, usually leaps forward and scratches with it's two legs and follows it up with a headbutt. If all three attacks hit, the opponent saves vs. paralyzation, or he will be pinned. If this happens, the pinned victim must make a strength check at -5 to break free. When a chocobo has a victim pinned, it deals 1d4/1d4 constricting damage with it's claw, and continues to headbutt each turn.

Chocobos live in all terrains. They mate multiple times in a lifetime. Females only give birth to one chocobo at a time. A chocobo mother builds a small nest in a secluded area, and both mother and father protect the nest viciously.

Chocobos are easily tamed. A person with the riding proficiency may be able to make the chocobo attack with a successful proficiency check. Tamed chocobo's tend to be fiercely loyal.

Some chocobos form wild packs. If a pack is ever threatened. the chocobos form up and begin running away. And at some point, the chocobos turn around and trample the attackers.

Chocobo eat various nuts and fruits from it's native land. They mate about once a year.

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