Use priest Thac0, Saving Throws, Weapon Proficiencies, etc.
Dragoons are fighters, who at first seem to be servants of a Dragon God of some kind. Most of their weapons and clothing bare images of mighty dragons. Most of them tend to be cold to the rest of the world.
The first thing that seperates Dragoons from ordinary fighters and clerics is their renowned jump attack. Using mysterious powers granted by a dragon diety of unknown origin, the dragoon leaps high into the air, and strikes the opponent with force said to "match the chomping power of dragons".
When using the jump attack, the character must annonce he is planning on jumping at the begining of the round, and annonce his target. Then, use the table below to determine how many rounds the dragoon will be in the air, and the damage adjustment.
Dragoon Level | No. of Rounds in the Air | Damage Multiplier |
1-4 | 1 | x2 |
5-8 | 2 | x3 |
9-12 | 3 | x4 |
13+ | 4 | x5 |
While in the air, Dragoons may not do anything but prepare for the attack. On the final round the dragoon is in the air, he rolls initiative (with no weapon speed adjustment applied), makes an attack roll (strength, and specialization bonus applied). Do not apply multiple attacks for a high level, only one attack is made from a jump.
Dragoons use 1d8 to determine hit points. Dragoons receive the exceptional strength bonus as fighters do, but not the constitution bonus. They begin learning priest spells as a cleric at 5th level. Dragoons, however, may only cast spells from the Combat, Elemental: Fire, and Elemental: Air spheres.
In combat, Dragoons may use any type of polearm. They may not become proficient with any other type of weapon, though. The can use any type of armor, though it's ritual to draw, paint, or otherwise mark the insignia of a dragon somewhere on the armor.
For a dragoon, the ultimate honor is wearing dragon hide as armor.
Dragoon Level | |
2 | 2,100 |
3 | 4,200 |
4 | 8,400 |
5 | 21,000 |
6 | 42,000 |
7 | 84,000 |
8 | 157,500 |
9 | 294,000 |
10+ | 315,000 Each Level |
Only humans and elves may become Dragoons. It should be noted that though for combat value, they have the same stats as a priest, Dragoons do not serve specific dieties. Dragoons simply view the dragon as symbols of great power, and in some ways have harnessed some of the dragons trait.