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An engineer is a person who studies the arts of science and machinery. Their greatest desires consist of building the biggest and best machines. This kit requires very much DM discretion.

Social Ranks
In order to finance their habit, so to speak, engineers need a fairly large influx of cash. Therefore, they are born from the upper-middle to high-class ranks of society.

Engineers need an Intelligence/Reason score of at least 15 and a Wisdom/Intuition score of 12. An engineer may be of any class except priests and druids.

Weapon Proficiency
Engineers may be proficient with any weapon, but are best suited to mechanical items, such as the arquebus or crossbow.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies
(Recommended) Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Leatherworking

Engineers need a good supply of material. That's why they should have a good supply of ore. Engineers often work out of some kind of base.

Reccomended Traits
Keen Touch Sense

An engineer can design various tools, machine, and equipment. This ability is used with the following chart on a 1d20 roll.

1: Tool Backfires and harms the creator and anyone else in area.  
2-5: Tool doesn't work at all.  
5-8: Tool works very poorly, desired effect is reduced 50%. Each use roll 1d4, if I 1 is rolled, the tool breaks.  
9-12: Tool works poorly, desired effect is reduced 25%. Each use roll 1d8, if a 1 is rolled, the tool breaks.  
13-18: Tool works properly.  
19-20 Tools works better than expected, desired effect is increased 25%  

This roll is adjusted at the DM's discretion, but it is reccomend that he use the following chart of adjustments. Like attack rolls, however, a one is always a fail and a 20 is always a success.

Small, Simple Machinery (crossbow, catapault, simple boats, basic chariots and carriages.): +5
Medium Complexity (Arquebus, Ballista, Cannon, Hang Glider): +3
Advanced Complexity: (Advanced boats, Large Cannons, Advanced Weapons: -3
Highly Advanced Complexity (Items requiring the use of magic): -10*
Days Worth of Time for creation: -1 per week
Number of Assistants +1 per assistant
Engineers Level: +1 per two levels of experience.**
Engineers Intelligence: +1 for each point over 15.
Days of research required: -1 per day

*: -7 if engineer is a mage

**: This is cumulative if multiple engineers are working on a project


The engineers spends most of his time doing research, which leaves little time for social interraction. Hence, his overall Charisma score is reduced by 2. Furthermore, all attack rolls receive a -2 to hit. Engineers seldom go out adventuring.

Engineers begin with double the maximum amount allotted for their character class.

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