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Ability Score Adjustments
Espers may receive a +2 bonus to any requisite the player chooses, as long as they receive a -2 to another ability.

Ability Maximum Minimum
Strength 22 4
Dexterity 22 4
Constitution 22 4
Intelligence 22 4
Wisdom 22 4
Charisma 22 4

Class Restrictions
Espers have no class. To determine which Thac0, Saving Throws, etc, are used, use the highest ability score and match it to the prime requisite. (Strength and constitution are warriors, dexterity and charisma are rogue, intelligence is mage, wisdom is priest.)

Hit Dice
See above.

Espers may be of any alignment.

Espers are essentially, magic creatures in the purest form; magic taking a solid, living form. They once lived among humans until the War of the Magi took place, and the espers were driven into hiding.

Their appearance ranges from the most hideous abominations to the infinitely loveliness, rivaling nymphs. Likewise, their personalities range from caring and empathetic, light and carefree, to cold and evil.

When espers die, their bodies begin to implode and they transform into a rock, called Magicite. In this form, their powers and abilities remain. Anyone who carries, wears or otherwise is in constant contact with it can begin to learn the powers inately. All phyiscal attributes (horns, wings, etc.) can be retracted at will.

Common, Esper, any extra-planar.

Role Playing Suggestions
Espers have long been forced into the deepest nooks and cracks of civilization, so PC espers are few and far between. Espers are often sought after and hunted down because their powers can be transfered by Magicite, so most tend to be bitter towards all other races. Espers require a lot of DM input, keep in mind that the list of abilities is only a shortened list, players would be encouraged to create their own unique abilities.

Special Advantages
Espers have a huge range of possible abilities. DM's are encouraged to provide very much input as characters are being created.

Esper Ability Cost Rate of Learning* Damage Description    
Claws 1 10 1d4/1d4 Claws appear on hands, can
used for attacking.
Horns 1 10 1d3 Horns appear on head, can
be used for attacking
Wings 3 5 -- Wings appear, can be used for flying at class E.    
Wings 4 4 -- Wings appear, can be used for flying at class D    
Wings 5 3 -- Wings appear, can be used for flying at class C    
Wings 6 2 -- Wings appear, can be used for flying at class B    
Wings 7 1 -- Wings appear, can be used for flying at class A    
Fly 10 1 -- Can fly at will, class A    
Elemental Force 5 5 1d8 per
3 levels
Can use some sort of elemental or para-elemental
Skin Bonus 1 5-the number of times
the ability is taken.
-- Character gets an AC bonus of +1. This can be
taken multiple times
Constitution Bonus 1 4 -- Character uses fighter constitution bonus    
Strength Bonus 1 4 -- Character uses fighter strength bonus    
Animal Empathy 2 10 -- Character gains animal empathy as the trait    
Read Languages 1 10 -- Can read languages as a thief of the same level.    
Aura of Protection 2 10 -- Receives an aura of protection as a paladin, facing
opposite alignment.
Backstab 1 3 -- May backstab as a thief of the same level    
Priest Spells 10 1 -- Character casts spells as a priest of the same level.    
Priest Spells (1 sphere) 3 8-the number of times the ability is taken. -- Character casts spells from one sphere as a
priest of the same level. This ability can be taken multiple times.
Climb Walls 1 5 -- Character can climb walls as a thief of the same
Find/Remove Traps 1 5 -- Character can find/remove traps as a thief of the
same level.
Healing as a Paladin 3 2 -- Character can "lay hands" as a paladin of the same level.    
Detect Noise 1 5 -- Character can detect noise as a thief of the same
Hide in shadows 2 7 -- Character can hide in shadows as a thief of the same level.    
Magic 20 1 -- Character can cast magic from any school.    
Magic:Single School 4 1 -- Character can cast magic from one school of Magic.    
Move Silently 1 5 -- Character can move silently as a thief of the same level.    
Open Locks 1 5 -- Character can open locks as a thief of the same level.    
Pick Pockets 1 5 -- Character can open locks as a thief of the same level.    
Shapechange 4 3 -- Character can shapechange. What the character can change into must be decided at creation of the character.  

To determine rates for advancement, take the total cost and multiply it using the following table.

Level Base Experience*
2 200
3 400
4 800
5 2000
6 4000
7 8000
8 15000
9 28000
10+ 30,000 each
additional level.

So a creature who's total cost was 10 would reach level 2 at 2000, 3 at 4000, 4 at 8000, 5 at 2000, etc.

Special Disadvantages
Espers are often hunted down and killed, so they turn into magicite, and their killers may learn their powers. That's why Espers are so rare in the world.

Monstrous Traits
Espers all vary in appearance, some may be tiny, some may be huge. Again, DM's should help decide this.

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