Fire--Level 1
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 5 square feet.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a minor magical flame over a 5 square foot area. The flame shoots up about 4 feet plus 1 foot per level of the caster. The flame bursts and lasts for only a second. This spell deal 1d6 fire damage for every 3 levels of experience. So, a 9th level mage casting this spell would deal 3d6 points of damage. There is a 30% chance that any flamable substance in the area may catch fire.
This fire is not regarded as magical.
Ice--Level 1
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 5 cubic feet.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a sudden blast of frost, appearing in an area of 5 cubic feet. Anything standing in the area receives 1d6 frost damage for every 3 levels of experience. Any liquid substance in the area has a 30% chance of being frozen for 1d4 rounds.
Bolt--Level 1
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a small lightning bolt to strike a particular spot on the ground. This lightning bolt deals 1d6 electrical damage for every 3 levels of experience.
From Flowers to Feathers--Level 1
Sphere: Plant, Animal
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 Flower
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 2
This spell, upon the casters touch, transforms individual flower petals into feathers. If cast upon an entire flower, the flower turns into a small bird. They type of bird it turns into is left up to the DM.
The reverse of the spell From Feathers to Flowers transforms bird feathers into flower petals, or if cast on an entire bird, the bird saves vs. spell, or turns into a flower.
Fire II--Level 3
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 5 square feet.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a minor magical flame over a 8 square foot area. The flame shoots up about 8 feet plus 1 foot per level of the caster. The flame bursts and lasts for only a second. It deals 1d6 fire damage per level of the caster. There is a 50% chance that any flamable substance in the area may catch fire.
This fire is not regarded as magical.
Ice II--Level 3
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a sudden blast of frost, appearing in an area of 10 cubic feet. Anything standing in the area receives 1d6 frost damage per level of the caster. Any liquid substance in the area has a 50% chance of being frozen for 2d4 rounds.
Bolt II--Level 3
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
Components: Verbal, Somatic
This spell creates a small lightning bolt to strike a particular spot on the ground. This lightning bolt deals 1d6 electrical damage per level to anyone standing on the target selected.
Reflect--Level 4
Enchantment, Alteration
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One person
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 4
Saving Throw: Nil
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
This spell allows any spell cast directly on the target to be reversed to the original caster. This works only on single target spells. If the spell was something that affected both the caster and the character Reflected, such as drain life, it is treated as if the victim casted the spell.
A person who has a reflect spell has a feint blue aura, which can be detected magically.
The material component for this spell is a small glass crystal and 1 drop of the casters blood.
Fire III--Level 6
Invocation/Evocation, Elemental Fire
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: Five square Feet
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
This spell creates magically intense flames to burst over a 5 square foot area. Anyone standing in this area receives 1d6+3 damage per level of experience. Any flamable substance has a 80% chance of catching fire.
Ice III--Level 6
Invocation/Evocation, Elemental Water: Para-Elemental Frost
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: Ten Cubic Feet
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
This spell causes magically intense frost to appear in an area of 10 cubic feet. Anyone caught standing in this area of frost receives 1d6+3 damage per level of experience. Any liquid substance in this area has a 80% chance of freezing for 3d10 rounds.
Bolt III--Level 6
Invocation/Evocation, Elemental Fire
Range: 60 Feet
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: Spell for 1/2
This spell creates a magically intense lightning bolt to strike. Anyone struck by this bolt receives 1d6+3 damage per level of experience.
X-Zone--Level 6
Alteration, Dimension
Range: 60 feet
Area of Effect: 2-20 cubic feet
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 2 rds.
Saving Throw: Breath
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Material
This spell creates a rift between the current plane and limbo. Anyone or anything in the area of effect saves vs. breath, or is sucked into limbo permenently.
The components of this spell is a small pouch filled with gold dust, mixed with the blood of a Zone Eater.
Strago's Grand Train--Level 8
Invocation/Evocation, Dimension
Range: 60 Feet
Area: 30 by 30 pyramid
Duration: 1 Round
Casting Time: 8
Saving Throw: Breath for 1/2 damage
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
This spell creates a large, revolving pyramid. This pyramid represents a point where all planes cross, forming a pyramid. Anyone who touches the triange immediately receives 2d8 damage per level of the caster. Furthermore, anyone touched by the pyramid should save vs. paralyzation/poison, or any part touching the pyramid will be immobile (If the Players Option: Spells and Magic Critical Magical Hit Tables are being used, it is reccomended that any hit by Strago's Grand Train be regarded as a critical hit, using 1d12 to determine affect.) To determine what happens to the victim (or which critical hit chart to roll on, roll 1d3.)
1 Fire: Body/body part is burned, cannot be used for 1d10 days.
2 Ice: Body/body part is frozen, cannot be used for 1d10 days.
3 Electric: Body/Body part is numb, cannot be used for 1d8 days
The material componets for this spell are a piece of coral and the blood of Strago's Nemesis.