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Ability Score Adjustments
Half-espers receive no ability score adjustments.

Ability Score Range Minimum Maximum
Strength 3 18
Dexterity 3 18
Constitution 3 18
Intelligence 3 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 3 18
Class Level Limits Max
Fighter 15
Ranger 15
Thief 15
Bard 15
Mage U
Priest 9

Hit Dice
Half-Espers use the same hit dice as their class.

Half-Espers may be of any alignment.

Natural Armor Class
Half-Espers have a natural AC of 10

An incredibly rare specimen, Half-Espers are the result of an offspring between humans and espers. Because relationships of any sort are discouraged by both races, Half-Espers tend to feel awkward and lonely no matter where they go. For the most part, Half-Espers appear mostly human, though some may be able to cast some spells inately. Another appearance difference is that Half-Espers may have bright, abnormally colored hair or irises, ranging from green to purple tints. However, Half Espers remain mostly human until they reach the adulthood. At this point, inspired especially when a half esper is exposed to a great source of magic, they tend to spasm and pulsate as their esper-blood begins to wreak havoc. At this point, the sheer power takes control, the body of the esper transfroms monstrously, and the half-esper acts insanely, demolishing anything in it's way. This transformation lasts 1d4 days. Only a full blooded esper may control an esper during this time. A half-esper will not kill loved ones during this time.

After this period of puberty, so to speak, a half esper has the ability to harness the power of their esper blood. When in this state, anything the half-esper does is hyper sensitive. The half-espers body transroms into the mostrous self that was revealed when the half esper first transformed. The motions of the half-esper are feral and animal like, violently lashing out on a dime.

When half-espers die, their bodies divide into two pieces. Part of them shrivels, as if being aged violently. The other part transforms into magicite, though this magicite is virtually useless.

Esper, Common, and anything else appropriate to the region.

Role Playing Suggestions
Half-Espers are often outcast profoundly. Hence, they tend to be lonely and generally depressed. A player should keep this in mind when deciding a class. Half-Espers make ideal mages but work well as any class.

The half-esper can transform into their wild esper side at will. Transformation takes 1 round, and lasts for 1d6 rounds per level. While in their transformed, esper state, their strength score receives a +2, AC is lowered by 4, Thac0 is lowered by 2, and any spells cast are doubled in power, range, and duration. This transformation is dangerous, however, and upon returning to human form, the half-esper must make a saving throw vs. death magic, or feint for 1d3 hours.

In addition, all half-espers are able to cast a few spells inately. These should be selected by the DM, and if he/she chooses, a half-esper may learn new spells as he progresses in experience.

Half-Espers are usually frightened and lonely. Some will be driven out of Esper villages for having human blood, and then driven out of human villages for having esper blood.

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