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undefined Moogles

Moogles are small, bipedal, intelligent, bear-like creatures. Most have bleach-white fur, small, nearly useless wings in the back and a red antennae on their head. They tend to live between 100-200 years.

Moogles may seem uncivilized at a glance, but after observation, careful systems of rules and laws are evident. They speak their own language, to an untrained ear, it sounds like the randon gibberish of kip, kupo, and kapi. They generally shy away from other races, but are generally friendly should their home be encountered by outsiders.

There are three races of moogle: Fairy, Forest, and Mountain. Moogles can be any character class.

Players who choose moogles for their characters have 25 points to spend on other racial abilities. These points can be spent to customize a moogle from the general list, or they can be used to purchase a subrace's skill package. Only 5 character points may be used on other attributes.

Fairy Moogle (25)

Fairy Moogles live in magically barricaded forest area. Secretive and nonsensical, they spend almost their whole lives in one area, dancing and playing with little care for anything else.

Fairy Moogles are generally chaotic neutral in alignment, but PC's may be of any alignment.

Languages: Moogle, Pixie, Dryad, Sylph

Special Abilities: Weak Flyer, Dance Mage, Small Size, Appearance Bonus

Forest Moogle (20)

Forest moogles look similar to mountain moogles, except for one difference, they wear clothes. Their communities are similar to mountain moogles, except they tend to be found closer to other races.

Forest Moogles are generally of Lawful Good alignment, but PC moogles may be of any alignment.

Languages: Moogle, Common, Dryad, Elf

Special Abilities: Spear Bonus, Appearance Bonus, Padded Feet

Racial Penalties: None

Mountain Moogle (20)

Mountain moogles build their villages out of caves built out of the snowiest mountains. They're villages are very well hidden. Mountain moogles are nearly impossible to be seen in the snow.

Mountail Moogles are generally of Lawful Neutral alignment, but PC's may be of any.

Languages: Moogle, Yeti, Dwarf, Common

Special Abilities: Snow White, Weak Flyer, Infravision, Yeti Control, Spear Bonus

Racial Penalties: None

Moogle Abilities
Infravision (10): 45'

Spear Bonus (5): Moogle receives a +1 bonus to hit.

Weak Flyer (15): Moogle may fly at class E. This is strenuous and is only used in desperate situations.

Padded Feet (10): Moogle may move silently as if he were a thief of the same level, or if he is a thief already, he gets a +15 bonus.

Snow White (5): Moogle may hide in snowy areas with 90% invisibility.

Defensive Bonus (10): AC receives a +2 bonus when in native surroundings.

Appearance Bonus (5): Moogle receives a +1 to his appearance score.

Small Size (10): Moogle receives a -2 bonus to his AC.

Dance Mage (25): With this, a moogle can cast spells from the school of geometry regardless of class as if he were a mage of 3 levels less. If the moogle is a geometer, he gets 20 extra points to spend ONLY on his specialist abilities.

Yeti Control (10): For reasons unknown, Yeti's are totally obedient to most moogles. With this ability, a moogle can almost completely control yeti's.

Claws (5): Moogles can use their claws as a natural attack, doing 1d4 damage, two attacks per round.