Ninja's are oriental fighters. They sneak about the world, stealing what the can. Almost a perfect crossbreed of fighters and thieves with a dash of mages, they are a powerful force whether they are spying or face to face in combat..
A ninja's prime requisites are Strength and Dexterity. Use 1d8 to determine hit points. Ninja's get a fighters exceptional constitution bonus, but not for strength (unless the optional abilities are taken. Use a fighter's Thac0 chart.
A Ninja may never wear armor better than chain mail. If using normal rules as opposed to skills and powers, use the following abilities.: Hide in shadows, Move Silently, Magic: School of Illusion, Thrown Weapon Bonus (as 10 pt. skill), Backstab, and Magic: Invocation Evocation. May only wear leather or studded leather.
Begin With 75 Character Points
Aim Bonus (5): Ninja's balance score is increased by one. This allows the difference between his two dexterity scores to be greater than 5.
Exceptional Strength (10): Ninja may use a fighters exceptional strength.
Backstab (10): Ninja may use the backstab ability as a thief of the same level.
Balance Bonus (5): Ninja's balance score is increased by one. This allows the difference between his two dexterity scores to be greater than 5.
Hear Noise (5): Ninja may use the Detect Noise ability as a thief of the same level.
Hide in Shadows (10): Ninja may use the Hide In Shadows ability as a thief of the same level.
HP Dice (10/15): Ninja uses 1d10 for hit point bonus for the 10 point ability and 1d12 for the 15 point.
Move Silently (10): Ninja may use the Move Silently ability as a thief of the same level.
Magic (30): Ninja may use spells from the Illusion/Phantasm school as if he were a mage of two levels less.
Magic (30): Ninja may use spells from the Invocation/Evocation school as if he were a mage of two levels less.
Pick Pockets (10): Ninja may use the pick pockets ability as a thief of the same level.
Shuriken Bonus (5): Ninja receives a +1 to hit with shurikens.
Thrown Weapon Bonus (10/15/20): Ninja receives a +1 to hit with all thrown weapons with the 10 point ability, +2 to hit, +1 to damage with the 15 point, and +3 to hit and +2 to damage with the 20 point ability. This is cumulative with any bonuses from specialization and dexterity that a ninja might receive.
Stealth (20): At the creation of the character and each time a ninja goes up in level, he gains 15 points to spend on thieving abilities.
Optional Restrictions
Armor Restriction (+10/15): with the +10, the ninja may wear only leather or studded leather armor, with the 15 point he may not wear any armor.
Mask (+5): The ninja is sworn to never reveal his identity and must be fully masked at all times.
Level Advancement
2 3500
3 7000
4 14000
5 35000
6 70000
7 140000
8 262500
9 490000
10 525000
11 1050000
12 1575000
13 2100000
14 2625000
15 3150000
16 3675000
17 4200000
18 4725000
19+ 525000 Per Level