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Climate/Terrain Subterranean
Frequency Unique
Organization Solitary
Activity Cycle Any
Diet Special
Intelligence Animal
Treasure Hx2
Alignment Neutral
No. Appearing 1
Armor Class 10
Movement 6
Hit Dice 100 (10 for Head)
Thac0 10
No. of Attacks 1
Damage/Attack 1d6
Special Attacks Swallow Whole
Special Defenses Burrow
Magic Resistance 0%
Size G
Morale Exceptional (14-15)
XP Value 35,000

The Zone-Eater is a legendary worm who hibernates for centuries at a time.. It's body size is generally unknown, for it's only seen when it's head is above ground to feed. It's head appears as a circular mouth, with small teeth surrounding it. Underneath the surface it's body extends to mammoth size. Some say the Zone-Eater has multiple mouths, but none no for sure.

The zone eater has one basic attack, a head butt attack the only deals 1d6 damage. It's real power lies in it's power to Swallow Whole. When this attack is used, the victim must save vs. breath or be swallowed by the Zone-Eater.

Any creature swallowed by the Zone-Eater automatically receives 2d12 acid damage. When the Zone-Eater feeds, it's victims are forced down it's long esophagus and into it's stomach. Here, any character eaten may cause such a ruckus that the zone eater will vomit. Of course, the acids used to digest a creature will deal 6d12 acid damage on the way out. If a character chooses to explore the zone-eater, he may find great treasures and great monsters living inside the body.

The Zone-Eater is, as far as civilization knows, is completely unique. No reports of a dead Zone-Eater has been found. It senses movement on the surface, and then sticks it's head from the ground and swallows any living creature nearby.

The Zone-Eater eats any living creature it can. Luckily, it hibernates for centuries at a time, then wakes and feeds for 2d6 months.

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