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Body, Mind, and Soul


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."-Romans 12:1-2

Before I came to a growing personal relationship with Christ, I learned and practiced many good habits from in and out of school. Gym class back in the elementary school in St. Paul taught me to keep myself physically in shape. I remember participating in the U.S.A. Physical Fitness (eg. President's Challenge) challenge, where we tested in several physical exercies (eg. # of push-ups timed, pull-ups, jump-ropping, etc..) which we would get prizes to motivate us do well.

I learned and continue to learn many physical-nutritional habits, which becomes more important as you get older. I love sweets as a kid, which didn't really helped me get rid of my baby fat quick growing up. I started actually working out in the junior high level (12-14 years old) to deal with the "bullies" in school. Then I continued to do so more in high school to be physically fit in order to compete in my level in the sports I participated in: soccer, baseball, and track & field.

In college, I didn't play any sports, but I wanted to keep physically healthy as I was spending a lot of time not moving as much when I studied academically aggressively during my time at UMM. The food on campus was so new and different from growing up in a Filipino home, that I gained 10 pounds (almost the "Freshem 15") my first year! What helped me stay fit and not gain any more was getting disciplined. I would workout weekly with the same roommate for the first 2 years. Then I would and still do-swim weekly as much as possible to just have time alone and it was a stress reliever-especially when I was an RA. I remember I would avoid the tempted sweets throughout the week they made at food service by just eating it on the weekends to award myself for a hard week. Fasting became a regular practice, which taught me to learn not to feed myself physically, but spiritually. I do this still today-I would try to fast on a just only fruits-vegetables-water diet once a week for a whole day. During this fast, I would read the Bible and spend more time talking to God to substitute the time I would eat.

One day I went to the dentists with one of the consumers from the group-home I work at in town-Morris, and I was reading this chart on the worst pop/soda drink that causes tooth decay. From then on, I've avoided as much possible-completely if I can! I'm always looking at the Nutrition Facts/Labels in the back of food products now...

"What you eat is what you are"

The company I work for does a physical health/fitness program for it's employees to keep them healthy to give their 100% at work, plus it saves them money by preventing us from getting hurt and calling-in sick! One inservice-training meeting, a health expert had us to relax and take 5 easy deep breaths (eg. let your chest rise as you take a deep breath and hold it for awhile before slowly realeasing air as your chest comes down) each day before you start the day, during lunch/break....

Psalm 46- "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
(this verse came to me after a Chi-Alpha meeting 9.12.03)

...., or at the end of the day. Before this meeting, I was doing this at times (only 1x) when I go swimming each week. When I started doing this 5x everytime I go swimming, I realize that I was able to hold my breath underwater longer (went from 10-15 to 20-25 minutes within a month!)-cool huh!

When I work out, this verse helps me...

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."-Psalm 28:7

Sample Monthly Calender Worksheet:

X=1 pt.
Ex=1-30 min. exercise or 2-15 min. exercise
X=1 pt.
HE=Health Eating
All Sundays-Eat 3 servings of vegetables
All Mondays-Don't eat "sweets or desserts"
All Tuesdays-Read Food labels before eating
All Wednesdays-Drink at least 6 cups of water
All Thursdays-Keep a Journal of the food you eat
All Fridays-Eat 3 servings of fruit
All Saturdays-consume 3 dairy servings or other calcium supplements

We would turn this in each month and compete with other individual employees and group homes within our compamuy. The winner(s) gets a prize or some benefit, like several free paid-time hours to motivate us all.

Food Guide Pyramid from USDA


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship"-Romans 12:1



A friend told me about this protein shake (2 raw eggs, scoop of icecream, a bananna, and milk blended together), which I've been drinkng the last month or so. I decided to re"search" on the health effects...

Drinking Raw Eggs
"You are taking some risk of Salmonella poisoning. Not a huge risk - maybe 1 in 30,000 eggs, from what I read on the internet.
Eggs also contain Avidin, which can cause a vitamin B6 deficiency. Cooking takes care of the Avidin thing."

  • Egg Whites Int'l

  • "By drinking a high protein drink with liquid egg whites just before you go to bed, they will support muscle growth for up to 4 to 5 hours. Now the process is reversed for most of your sleep time. Rather than storing fat and eating muscle, the time-release protein from the egg whites, is allowing your body to burn the fat at its normal rate while building on the muscle. That is why bodybuilders eat a dozen egg whites before bedtime."

    Fitness Facilities

  • Regional Fitness Center, (new official site) where I workout
  • *3-5 days a week doing various exercises to build endurance, strength/muscles, and physical health overal for better self-esteem


    Fitness Facilities

  • St. Paul's University Avenue Bally's Fittness

  • *a UMM Alumn connection-Cornelius, who is a personal trainer!


  • Governor's Fit City Program, 2005 Minnesota Health Dept

  • *forwarded from Steven J. on Oct 2005


    Fitness Shows

  • Giving Him Praise
  • Gospel Dance Aerobics

    "This is a clip from my Cable TV fitness show. I called this one "Giving Him Praise". Enjoy it! Paul Eugene -"

  • American Public Health Association, improving public's health
  • Flight Food Alliance, protecting from harmful chemicals (found this at UMM's TMC)
  • My Body His Temple, spiritual and physical health
  • My Fitness, American Heart Association's Just Move
  • Nurses PDR, drug "nurse handbook" online (search your prescription drug)
  • Nutrition Supplements, by Muscle & Fitness
  • Health Masters, by Dr. Ted Broer-godly health nutritionist
  • Fitness Facilities

  • Bally's Total Fitness

  • *used to be a member here when I was living in St. Paul

    Chicago Gyms and Spas, from


    "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."-Romans 12:2



  • Boosting my Brain Power by Michael T. Murray M.D., free article I got from a health store (5/06) in Alexandria's Viking Plaza Mall

  • *it talked about getting gilko bilboa, multivitamins, fish oil-omega 3, antioxidants, etc..-that all helps with the brain
  • Brain Food’ Key to Miner’s Amazing Recovery Zone Labs, CBN

  • "The recent return home of the only survivor of the Sago mine disaster, Randall McCloy, is being touted as a medical miracle. However the primary reason for this miracle is the use of high-dose fish oil* by his neurosurgeon, Dr. Julian Bailes. "
  • Human Brain: Food & Diet
  • Resources

  • Liberal Arts for the Human Services, academic "God-centered" resources

  • -Elderly: Alzheimer's




  • How Acetyl-L-Carnitine prevents Alzheimer's disease and dementia while boosting brain function, from News Target
  • Comedy

    Anita Renfroe "Memory"

    "Christian comic Anita Refroe talks about the downsides of a middle-aged mind! From her DVD "Purse Onality""


    "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength....The LORD your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws; carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul."-Deuteronomy


    Bible Search, soul food!
    The Christian Diet, 9/21/03 sermon notes from Pat Franey, pastor of Morris Community Church



    The Story Behind the Song: It is Well With My Soul - Bluefish TV

    "In 1873, Horatio Spafford wrote the words to the hymn \"It is Well with My Soul\" after the tragic death of his four daughters. A very moving sermon illustration. Video download available at"

    Overall Reccomended Resources



  • Cleansing the Body, Mind and Spirit (Paperback) by Carolyn Reuben

  • "These may all be symptoms of toxic overload--caused by everything from the food we eat to the air we breathe. With this guide, we can learn how to detoxify--using simple, natural, safe methods that leave us feeling refreshed, revived, and wonderfully renewed."
    *this same goes with our spiritual state, which we need to ask God to cleanse us of all our sins

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