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Health Issues: Skin


Prevent Skin Cancer, "Don't Get Toasted"

"A fake Public Service Announcement, created as my midterm for Digital Video Editing I. It is against skin cancer, particularly against the dangers of tanning lamps"

Have different skin problems?

    I. Infection
    A. inflmmation (lymph): cellulitis bucitis
  1. Current Management of Common Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Cellulitis, Folliculitis, Mammalian Bites, and Puncture Wounds - Year 2001 Update , an article from Clinical Consensus Reports

  2. 2.
  3. Cellulitis: Article by Danny Lee Curtis M.D., from (more..)

  4. 3.
  5. All Refer Health, risk factors in include diabetes

  6. *Medication
  7. Cephalexin, skin infection anti-biotic treatmentinfo from

  8. *Prevention
  9. Cellulitis-Prevention, from Mayco Clinic

  10. B. impetigo, germ infection info from C. Eczema
  11. Talk Eczema
  12. Calluses and Corns

  14. Corn Remedies, from
  15. II. Moles

    Treating Melanoma (Skin Cancer #8)

    "If left untreated, melanoma can be fatal. Luckily, there are a host of options that can prevent this."

    I (Sal) just got a couple of moles removed ("Surgical removal usually involves a simple excision under local anesthetic", (Also, "Typically, the lesion is "shaved" down with a surgical blade, or is cut away (excised). The resulting wound site may require sutures (stitches).")this month (November of 2005) after asking advice from my personal doctor 2 months ago. I told him (Dr. Stavig) I was worried about some moles that has appeared in different parts of my body, particularly one under my left armpit and over my left nipple. I went to see a dermatologist and automatically notice the unusual "irregular" shape, which he removed it right at that moment. I got a biopsy report 2 weeks later and found out that no melanoma, but it can develop overtime. They told me I need to watch this area closely and report any changes in the next 6 months.

    A year later...

    I got a mole w/puss coming out when squeezed removed above the tit of my left side of my chest.

    This one was removed under my armpit of my left too!

    Melanomoa, from Centre for Genetics in Australia

    III. Rashes

    IV. Scalp Dryness

  16. Dandruff Remedies, from health911

  17. "Cut out or greatly reduce your sugar intake. Read the food labels carefully. There are many different types of sugar and sweetening agents to look for: sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, corn syrup, molasses, sorghum and maple syrup
  18. Hair Health, from American Academy of Dermatology
  19. Healthy Foods for Healthy Scalp, from beauty

  20. "If your scalp isn't healthy, your hair won't be either and it's so easy to change this problem. All you have to do is incorporate foods like squash, carrots and tomatoes into your diet.

    -Suggested Shampoos
    Avalon Organic Shampoo, can be found at GNC stores according to a co-worker (Amiee)
    -reccomended by my dermatologist:
    Selsun Blue (
    "Selsun Blue, as you noted, contains selenium in it. Selenium is a type of degreaser and removes this layer of accumulated "grease", getting rid of the scaling skin and odor. No more irritant and no more scratching."-doggie shampoo
    Neutrogena Shampoo (


  21. Curadusa, product reccomended by La Glamour
  22. Go Ask Alice
  23. Neutrogena, haircare
  24. V. Warts

  25. American Academy of Dermatology
  27. Warts Home Remedies

  28. *got a good tip about using toothpaste and duct tape, which actually worked

  29. What's up with Warts?, from
  30. VI. Miscellaneous

  31. Stretch Marks, Veins, moles, etc.., from on body basics

Avoiding Aging of Skin due to Sunlight


  • Vitamins To Protect Against And Reverse Aging: The Truth vs. The Tall Tales, from American Academy of Dermatology

  • "There are three antioxidants that have been proven to decrease the effect of the sun on the skin and actually prevent further damage: selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C"

    Burned Skin?

  • Healing Solutions from Burns and Sunburns, from botanical
  • Cancer

    Top 10 Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer (Skin Cancer #9)

    "Skin cancer doesn’t have to happen! Keep watching for 10 tips that will help keep your skin cancer-free."

    Reccomended Resources



  • How to Recognize Skin Cancer Posted by Leslie Baumann, M.D. on Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 10:46 am PDT (

  • "Early detection is crucial in treating skin cancer. Have annual skin checks, during which your dermatologist can look for any unusual moles or marks (if you have a family history of melanoma or are particularly predisposed to developing it, biannual checks are best). And if you see any suspicious bumps or scabs - particularly those that fit the descriptions above - don't hesitate to see a doctor right away.
    Wishing you great skin!"


  • Crutchfield Dermatology, in Eagan


  • Bible Cure for Skin Disorders, from Dr. Colbert

  • Online Order: alibris


  • Body Maps and Diagrams, from
  • Products

  • Skin Energizer
  • Resources

  • Eat Right, from CBS News
  • Foods for Healthy Skin, from webmd
  • Healthy Skin, from wholefitness

  • "So, your first step is to stay out of the sun and stay away from smoke"
  • Natural Skin, Natural Beauty, from shirleys wellness
  • Schools

  • UofM Twin Cities' Medical School of Dermatology

  • Return to Goodnews UMM Health Issues

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