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Life: Eternity


What's Heaven going to be like? Who will be in Heaven? What are we going to do in Heaven? Will we have spiritual bodies? These are just some questions I've been asked since I came to see my Heavenly Father. I decided to dedicate this site on helping answer these questions.

The first question I was challenged concerning this topic was a UMM student. He asked me isn't it going to be boring if we just worship God all the time. This was asked 5 years ago, which I thought he really d idn't reall know God if he thought it would be boring. As one come to know God personally, he or she would be more excited about looking forward to worshipping God! In fact, a Bible verse comes to mind that relates to this....

"Worship God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind"

& "Offer you body as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God"

The meaning and interpretation of the last scripture above has changed more and more as I grow to know my Heavenly Father. When I first heard this, I interpreted this as worshipping and singing to God, like what we do on Sunday mornings at "church" services. Now I interpret this as how we should use our God-given bodies for his glory, whether it's working at a job using what we've been blessed (gifts, talents, skills, etc...) with or taking care of our physical body-health wise!. We try do this 24/7 on earth, which when we go to Heaven-we'll be doing the same thing-but with our spiritual "heavenly" bodies! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Reccomended Resources



  • Animals: Do they go to Heaven?, from
  • Articles

  • Glimpses of Heaven, from Christianity Today
  • Heavenly or Earthly Bodies, from

  • *this link above may help answer to the question mentioned at the top of this page, which was address at UMM's Chi Alpha-Men Gathering on February 15th of 2005
  • Showing Heaven to the World, from
  • *
  • What is Heaven?, and many others (Q's & A's that have to do with God) from
  • Books

  • Heavne, by Randy Alcorn (Reviews [1] [2-from Left Behind]) )
  • Movies

  • "The Five People You'll Meet in Heaven"
  • Testimonies/Stories

  • Jessie Duplantis Has Been to Heaven, a real-life story (Close Encounters of the God Kind, dvd format)written somewhat pessimistically (ministry info)
  • T.V. Sitcoms

  • Highway to Heaven
  • Thank you for visiting GoodnewsUMM! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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