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Life: Good Works

10% Good Cause

(from Sal’s Goodnews 10%-Quickstar Homebased Sales Business)

Every sale I make from each product, 10% goes torwards one of the following “good causes” of your choice. My hope is to increase my customers awareness of the need and support (financial and prayer) that I’ve personally helped with in the past, current, and continue to do so in the future:


Your Local Church

  • Morris & St.Paul

  • *15% of your income usually goes torwards your local church, which I highly recommend you do in a regular basis.

  • International Student Ministry local church outreach activities
  • Non-Profit Social Organization, Morris Life Care Pregnancy Center, Salvation Army, Morris Food Shelf, etc…

  • Outfitters for Adventure, church plant team based in Morris
  • Heart of the City, a multicultural worship ministry

  • Liberal Arts Education, children, women, youth, etc..
  • Issues of Americans, alcohol, cancer, depression, physically challenged, etc..

  • Filipino Missionaries, in the Philippines
  • Humanitarian-Missions from UMMAlpha
  • Missions, sent from my local church in Morris
  • Persecuted Christians, who die to share the eternal gift through Jesus Christ
  • *after donating 15% of my bi-weekly check I get from my full-time job at the group home, I see what money I have left (16% and up) and I try to donate it to some of the above “good causes”

    Rest of the profits I make goes towards the ongoing day to day preparation of my career life ambition as I continue to grow in my personal relationship with Jesus. It is to retire as a missionary in the Philippines. That is to help plant churches to reach the “poor” of my parent’s homeland in what Jesus called all Christians to fullfill the “Great Commission” (Matthew 27) through the power of Christ’s love!

    We all like to do "good", but how much "good" should we do? Many of us get caught up doing "good" to one another, which I'm not saying is a bad thing. But, is what we are doing "effective"-meaning, is this what God wants! Many people think doing "good" will make them go to heaven. Our "works" is NOT a free ticket to Heaven:

    "8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. "-Ephesians 2

    Let's say if we were "saved" by "works", how much we need to do then? We would be all "burned-out" and probably give-up on doing anything "good" anymore. For example, when I was in high school, I tired to volunteer as much to make me "look good" for college. I joined confirmation class in my local Catholic church, which we reccomended to volunteer at a Salvation Army in inner-city Minneapolis during one Holiday-Christmas. I felt "good" to do something "good" for people "less fortunate". I'm not saying this was a bad thing, but is our hearts right? Are we doing this "to feel good" for ourselves? Or, are we doing it for God because we love Him sooo...much and we love these people too (Matthew 22:37-39)?

    When I came to a personal relationship with Jesus, I've began to see what "good works" God wants me to do! I'm still working on it, but I've grown to pick and choose in prayer what "good works" I can do to be a blessing!

    Personal Mistakes

    I wanted to serve God and do good all the time for people! However, I've gotten myself doing "good" for the "wrong" people, where I've been cheated! A friend of a college friend of mine asked me to borrow money to her, which I trusted her that she'll pay me back. I wanted to help her out in this situation, which she needed money to get back home. The amount of money that was given to her was a "pretty big-amount", but I trusted her because she was a friend of my friend. Later on, she would give me excuses of not being able to pay me back. I talked to my friend, and he told me that she can't be trusted! I wished I knew this earlier, but my friend found this out after getting to know her longer. To this day, she hasn't payed me back. God has grace, which I already asked God to help me financially to make up this loss-He has in different ways. However, this was a lesson to be learned, which I look back to ask God first on what "good works" He wants me to do! This is where we need discernemnt, to be led by the Holy Spirit on what to do!

    I can tell you more other stories, but I can go on and on... Please feel free to contact me with other stories that I can share with your situation, but I reccomend to read the best guide on this-Bible


    To summarize all this, our "good works" is supposed to be the fruit that comes out of our continued loving personal relationship with God. When you spend time and love God more, the more you want to share that love with others!

    "As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." 41 But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! 42 There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it-and I won't take it away from her."-Luke 10

    Personal College Ministry Experience

    Since I graduated from 1999 at UMM, I've been doing various college ministry outreaches to the campus. It's going to be 5 years next month doing this. I wanted to take some time to reflect on some mistakes, so it won't happen again or at least we can learn from it to be more ministry challenges

    God Wants You- A Personal Relationship with Him, not just your Works

    I heard this phrase for the first time when I was home this past weekend (10/16-17/04) visting family. I've heard similar themes, but this really open my eyes. I was at St. Paul's Cathedral and the visiting priest (from India?) shared an inspirational story:

    "A nun from Belgium went to India to help Mother Theresa with the humanitarian work there. This nun ended up getting sick and then questioned Mother Theresa, "Why is God letting me get sick, I'm not able to do his work". Then Mother Theresa pondered a bit and then answered, "God wants you, not your good works".

    This opened my eyes on how we try to do "good things" (e.g. see my portfolio) and we end up getting burned out. We need to seek God and spend time with Him, which He'll show us his plans or purpose in life if He wants you to do them. I myself need to work on this day to day!

    Reccomended Resources


    not by our own works

    "About me: I grew up in Bellaire, Texas. Far away from the truth. I wanted to be a football player. I wanted to be a rock star.I wanted to make a lot of money. So I was a quarterback and sang a song and called it "Money".It went like this, money is the best thing in this world, best thing for my honey, best thing for my girl.... Well those days ended, so I started drinking, smoking pot and doing drugs... Well those days ended.... Some one told me they loved me... Some one told me they hated me... Some one marrried me... Some one left me ... Some one divorced me... Then my life changed... Now I know what Love is... it can not be found any where else but in Jesus. So now I give all my dreams, hopes and fears to Jesus and realize that with out Him I am nothing and never will be. But with Jesus I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. So take it from the worst of sinners, me. God came in the image of man as Jesus and suffered and died taking all the sin of the world upon Himself so you and I could repent of our sin, ask forgiveness and accept Jesus in to our heart and not go to hell but have eternal life. So there it is... now I can be who God made me to be and leave myself behind "

    101 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Volunteers
    "Volunteers are the life-blood of many organizations and businesses. If you use volunteers, you depend upon their passion and commitment to get much of your work done. But utilizing volunteers is much more than making an appeal and then giving assignments to those who show up. They need to know they are a valued part of your business or organization. And they need to be appreciated and cared for, even as you appreciate and care for your staff. This book offers you 101 ways to show appreciation to your volunteers - that's part of keeping them. We also offer tips on recruitment, placement, management, and retention of these very special people."
    *With God's help!

    Thank you for visiting GoodnewsUMM! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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