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The Problem

God determined the just punishment for sin was death (Eternal Separation from His presence). (Ezekial 18:4; Isaiah 59:2)

Since ALL people have SINNED, they ALL deserve to be punished. (Romans 3:23) But God did NOT want to send man to hell. (2 Peter 3:9)

Q. In light of this problem, how do you personally hope to get to heaven?

Related Resources

I (Sal) personally had a dream of the "taste of hell" during my Junior year at college (UMM). I felt the "gnashing of teeth" during my sleep, which I woke up if the dream was real. It was as if Satan (accuser) had a grip of my mouth and not letting it open, so I had to physically open it! I called out to Jesus, and then found myself back in "reality". What made this so ironic was that that same morning, I was scheduled to help record a demo tape called "Voices from Hell" for a friend of mine that headed Living Waters Ministries.


  • Bible Truth
  • Do You Know the Real Jesus Christ?
  • Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames, from Reality (drama) Outreach based in Ontario, Canada
  • Truth About Hell, from Dial-the-truth-Ministries

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