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University of Minnesota-Morris Alumn

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Members from IVCF and Alpha & Omega come together during the summer to check out Heart of the City, a unity of believers, worship gathering at First Convenant Church-Minneapolis, MN in 1999

Missing UMM? If you ever feel nostalgic as a former student, you can always see a "live-view" of the campus...

Campus Cam

Or, check out some graduation pictures of fomer friends...

{Homecoming Photo Gallery}

{UMM Graduation Photo Gallery}

{UMM Founders Weekend-50th Anniversary}

This is an example of a similar e-mail sent out prior to UMM's Homecoming Week of 2003

Hi former UMM Students,

How are you all doing?
This is Sal, still around doing campus ministry work at UMM! God layed in my heart to gather up former UMM Alumns experience and growth tips to help current and future UMM students in their walk with Christ.

I've already gotten results from questionaaires (like down below) to Int'l students, former Alpha & Omega members, IVCF studetns, and now MCC UMM Alumns. There is just one question that was added from the others...

Please feel free to add any additional questions or any other input...

UMM 99' Alumn

P.S. I plan to e-mail this website during the Homecoming Weekend (this weekend) to current students in the weekly e-mail to MCC (local church). Please feel free to e-mail me back whenever you do get the chance from your busy schedule. If you can, can you send this to as many UMM Alumns you still keep in touch. Thanks for your time!

Below are survey-results from a questionnaire....


Address/contact-phone# (will not be put in website, but used for data base for future references):
City, State,-Country:
Year Graduated:
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here?
Did you meet these expectations?
What were the biggest challenges here?
What were the biggest accomplishments?
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God?
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job,mission trips, etc...)?

Any questions, comments, etc..?

...e-mail sent out on August 28th of 2003 to UMM Alumns in Christ to give some background information and tips to help current-future UMM student believers/non-believer come to a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ:

Name: James S
City, State,-Country: Fargo, ND USA
Major: Computer Science
Year Graduated: 2001

What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? To obtain a degree in computer science while fulfilling any curiosity of the field. Also, to meet new people.

Did you meet these expectations? Partially, yes. While attending the MCC and IVCF (Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship), God exceeded all my expectations in how He can unite and strengthen His body of believers (and how fun it is!).

What were the biggest challenges here? After meeting all the new people and friends, it was hard to remain focused on the academics.

What were the biggest accomplishments? Academically, the knowledge I gained towards the degree I was studying. For my walk with God, there were unbelievable accomplishments. For example, He sparked my talents as a musician and worship leader while at UMM.

Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? Trust God's will for your life; if you are unsure the path He has laid down before you, spend time in prayer and it will be shown to you. Remeber, if He doesn't make it obvious, you may already be doing exactly what He has in mind for you. His discerning spirit will lead you that you may not stray.

What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job, mission trips, etc...)? I have a wonderful wife and beautiful daughter, whom I can only thank God for blessing me with. I attend a local Assembly of God church where I co-lead worship, and am also in a praise & worship band that plays for local community churches (all denominations). I never really left college, as I now am staff at NDSU, working with the campus computers.

Any questions, comments, etc..? A challenge: make God first in you life, and everything else falls into place. Lay down all other "idols" before Him, and your life and Christian walk will be in balance. God bless!

Name: Shannon F
City, State,-Country: Mendota Heights, MN USA
Major: Sociology
Year Graduated: 2002
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? Before I went to Morris I thought that the Professors would be very strict, inflexible, and unwilling to work with you. I also thought that their would be parties and such on the weekends and one would be looked at as an outcast if you didn稚 attend.
Did you meet these expectations? My fears and worries were way larger then life!! I met some very cool upperclassmen, my freshman year at UMM, who I looked up to and still do for the depth of there Christian Faith and the friendships that I gained are priceless to me. Regarding the UMM academics, they are difficult, but the professors are some of the most caring, quirky, and intelligent group of people I致e ever met.
What were the biggest challenges here? Academically, it was trying to complete all of the reading required for my major in a timely fashion. Spiritually, it was becoming fond of a new found very personal relationship with Jesus Christ and being exposed to lots of different types of worship.
What were the biggest accomplishments? Academically, it was the nearly 200 pages of papers that I wrote over my four years at UMM (1998-2002). I also feel very blessed to have been a Resident Peer Minster at the Newman Center, which took place during the 2001-2002 school year.
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? 1. Keep God number one in your life 2. Take advantage of the fellowship in Morris. 3. Pray for balance in you UMM career. 4. Fast, Pray, and Give of yourself at UMM, you値l be surprised how much you値l grow in your Faith.
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (e.g. family, job, mission trips, etc...)? Currently, I知 living with my parents and little sister and I知 volunteering in my local church. I知 also volunteering with a Boy Scout Troop (ie; camping, youth development, & lots of fun). During May of 2002 I travled to Thailand to study for May Term, my trip was super cool, e-mail me at to find out more about my trip.
Any questions, comments, etc.? Go and vist Morris, MN-- If you haven't yet already!! Wait on the Lord, for he is Faithful!!! What's the biggest thing that has impressed you about God?

Name: Teresa (R) G
City, State,-Country: Barrie ON (Ontario, CANADA) L4M 3B8
Major: Spanish, Psychology, LAHS
Year Graduated: 2002
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? a comfortable campus, a quality education and an opportunity to grow
Did you meet these expectations? I loved my experience at Morris and wouldn't have rather gone anywhere else
What were the biggest challenges here? getting homework done on time instead of chatting with roomies. ;)
What were the biggest accomplishments? achieving three majors without going nuts
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? draw near to God and He will draw near to you! Take advantage of all the opportunities to fellowship with other believers. Get planted in a church and have a spiritual accountability partner to keep you growing. Also, don't put homework before your time with God--I did sometimes and regret it now. Lastly, if there is any way possible, take a short term missions trip during your summer or winter break! After graduation you might get locked into a job and not have a chance. Don't wait til you "have the money" to do it--just make it a priority, trust God to provide and go for it.
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job, mission trips, etc...)? I married after graduation and now live in Canada with my wonderful husband, Ryan. I am currently working as a nanny and plan on doing social work now that I have my Canadian permanent residency. We want to do missions long-term, and are interested in urban ministry and church planting.
Any questions, comments, etc..? Sal, thank you for your constant faithfulness and cheerfulness--you are such a blessing, and I miss you. Keep up the good work...

Name: Cindy N
City, State,-Country: Madison, WI, USA
Major: Liberal Arts for the Human Services (started in psychology)
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? Really, when I left home and came to college, all I really wanted was FREEDOM!!!
Did you meet these expectations? Absolutely! UMM was just right for me. I found in my years in Morris that most folks either love it or hate it, and I LOVED IT!!! Morris was perfect for me because it was big enough to be new to me, but small enough to free me up to get to know a lot of people.
What were the biggest challenges here? I think challenges come depending on how you look at things. Some people let Morris's smallness overwhelm them and they think, "oh, there's just nothing do it, it's so small," etc. However, check out the advantages of this smallness! You can have awesome lasting relationships with so many more people at a college like UMM versus this huge 50,000 people campus.
What were the biggest accomplishments? It was really exciting to be involved in ministry at UMM. I was involved with IVCF through prayer outreach and retreats. I would say prayer had the biggest impact on me, and I highly recommend getting on the prayer team. It was amazing to get together and pray with folks and then to watch God answer those prayers in the coming years. Very exciting!!!
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? Here's my advice: 1) SEEK GOD. 2) GET INVOLVED. 3)SHARE JESUS with others. These are the things in my experience which radically changed my life. Spend time seeking God! This is so important, and I don't care what this looks like to you, JUST DO IT! Read the Bible DAILY and share Jesus with someone else every day. Either encourage someone else in their walk or share Jesus with someone else (even in a small a door for someone, smile, praise the Lord out loud instead of in your head). These things will have a life changing eternal impact on you and on others. Also, no matter what you have to do, be desperate if you need to; find other Christians and hang out with them. Get on teams. Be on the worship team, prayer team, etc. Come early to group meetings and pray with others. Come early or stay after and set up chairs or clean up. Seriously, this is how you will meet key people. Jesus said that the key to being a leader, to being great, is by being a servant of all. Start there, and you will go far in Him!
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job, mission trips, etc...)? Well, I graduated from UMM in May of 2003 and I currently reside in Madison, Wisconsin. I work for a Human Services Organization called REM Wisconsin. I am working with Jeff King (a pastor that I met during the SIMT school through Morris Community Church) to plant a new church here in Madison and hopefully start a campus ministry at UW Madison and/or the community colleges in the area.

Name: Anthony R. W (aka Tony)
City, State,-Country: Lakewood, CO
Major: Communications with Emphasis in Rhetoric
Year Graduated: March 1997
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? I really didn't have any expectations. I just graduated from a two-year Bible school in Minneapolis and needed to finish the degree I started at Wheaton College. Wheaton was too expensive so I when I found a old brochure at my parent's house on the floor in my old room from UMM (dated 1991), I sent it in. I called them a month later and they asked where I'd received the outdated application. They said I was accepted and the rest is history. I never visited UMM and didn't even know where it was. The first time I visited was for the Fall quarter in 1995. I had to stop and ask a gas station attendant where the heck Morris was. Talk about country. When I stepped out of my car, I thought either someone had baked a whole bunch of bad bread or a beer truck must have spilled. That was every day's experience for the next five quarters I attended. God bless America!
Did you meet these expectations? Since I didn't have any, I would say my expectations were met. Actually, God used UMM to grow my faith more than any period of my education. I enjoyed the fellowship at Morris more than Bible school and even Wheaton. It was real. Being in a Christian school can be a vacuum. I lived in Gay Hall for the five quarters I was at UMM. And I didn't have a problem with Gay Hall, but when I was in Montana as a youth minister I received my housing assignment. I remember checking my roommate preferences (i.e. non-smoking), but I never recalled sexual preference. Now I didn't have a problem with living in a gay hall, but I called UMM to inquire. After laughing at me, they said it was named after some guy. And no, neither Abe Welle nor Dan Ford was gay. I digress. God gave me great friends and fellowship while in the dorms. I recommend living in the dorms if you desire to be in the ministry. It teaches you much more than any cemetary, oops, I mean seminary class could. Off campus gives you more space and privacy, but in the dorm gives you lessons on patience, reconciliation and sociology. Of the three colleges I attended, UMM was by far the best experience. IVCF grew exponentially. People were getting serious with God. Denominations were working together. God did it!
What were the biggest challenges here? My biggest challenge was finishing all that God wanted me to do in the five quarters I was here. And although living in the dorms was a blessing, it was trying at times. Every time I started a paper or was studying for a test, it was inevitable that God would need me for something whether it was to pray with someone or to just listen. It was funny how God provided when I put Him first. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." I think the final, and perhaps the greatest challenge was leaving IVCF. Turning over the leadership in IVCF and departing in March of 1997 was difficult. Like most ministers, I felt God could use me more if I were there. As it turns out, He did more in IVCF after I left than while I was there. Humbling. I praise God for the legacy He left through those I served with: Scott Guhl, Brooke Glocke, Tina Anderson, and Louise O'Brien. God had a strong core to carry on and bring IVCF to new levels after we left. Praise God!
What were the biggest accomplishments? I think the biggest accomplishments were what God did in my life and in the lives of those at UMM that I was priveleged to witness during my time there. I don't think anyone can take credit for what God did in the lives of His people during that time. UMM was a terrific foundation for the journey God has led me on since those days. I have grown stronger and more in love with Jesus every year since leaving UMM. I praise God for the vision before me and the destiny awaiting me. When all is said and done everyone will say, "God did it!"
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Get involved with a campus ministry. Let God stretch you beyond your comfort zones. If you sit in the safety of your comfort, God is not needed. He can only work in things you cannot already do well or are afraid to do. Otherwise, where is the glory for God? UMM is not the panacea or the predictor of your faith, but it is definitely an opportunity to build a solid foundation in Christ that can propel you to new heights in God after your days at Morris are finished. I knew many students who sacrified their faith for "fun". What a lie that the Christian life is not fun. I guess if you spend enough time around dead believers you may think that. Find Christians who are more excited, passionate, and powerful in Christ and glean from them. And then spend time with struggling Christians and the unsaved to impart the power of God to their lives. Learn and teach. Teach and learn. Always a student. Sometimes the teacher. Seize the day! It will never come again.
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job,mission trips, etc...)? After leaving UMM, I finished my internship as a prayer coordinator and campus ministry laison at Youth For Christ's national office in Denver, CO. When I finished that, I volunteered six weeks in the prayer/intercessory department at Promise Keepers for the Stand in the Gap event in Washington DC. After that God led me on a wilderness journey, or my Cave of Adullam experience, for 6 months where I was unemployed and broke. I spent the hours I would normally work (9AM to 6PM) studying the scriptures, praising God, and intercessory and warfare prayer. God taught me verse by verse through the Bible. He gave fresh revelations. It was one of the most painful times in my life and yet I would not trade it for the world. When God permitted, I took a job waiting tables while volunteering in the inner-city of Denver. I went full-time into urban intervention work. I went to Korea when God said, "Go!" and I taught English for a year and a half. God provided my wife in Korea and I returned to the US two days after the two towers fell. While in Minnesota, I applied for law school and took a job working in an investment brokerage firm. I delayed law school and started my own investment firm for senior citizens. I took a partnership in Denver and have been building a senior investment firm here since May of 2003. I plan on going to law school in the fall of 2004 to finish the call which God gave me. My wife works at a doctor's clinic. God is good!

Name: Sam N
Born/Raised: Long Prairie, MN
City, State,-Country: Twin Cities, MN
Major: Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art
Year Graduated: June of 2002/2003
Date: October 2006
"Hello, Sal,
I'm sorry it took so long to respond; I kinda got sidetracked by a couple dozen things. Go ahead and use any part of this you'd like to on your website.
I grew up in Long Prairie, MN, in a Christian home with parents who are still together in their one and only marriage, so I pretty much got a Christian value system right off the bat (I was saved at about age 12, I think), but we didn't have a decent church near us until after I'd graduated high school, so I got no real teaching until maybe a year after I left for UMM. On those occasions I went home to visit, I went to church with my parents in a little town near us called Burtrum, and so I started to actually find my feet as a Christian. It was slow going, though; coming back to school after a visit, I still wasn't very comfortable talking about the things of God, and almost all of my friends were worldly people. I knew there were Christian groups at UMM, but it still seemed a little weird to me; looking back, I should have taken that opportunity, but there's no way to look now except forward. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art from UMM in 2003, and had spent the previous summer temping at AGS Publishing; that became an independently contracted illustration job for about the next six months, at which point I finished the work I was hired for; however, corporate goings-on made AGS a dead lead on any further work, and I was still stuck at home in Long Prairie, a little town very unsuitable for anyone who isn't a mechanic or a farmer. I did, however, get to attend church regularly, and even went so far as to help out in the sound booth (if it can be called that, in comparison to 3 Degrees), as well as print out and even redesign our church bulletins. It was during this time that a certain young lady who attended every so often mentioned a Christian night club in the Twin Cities called the New Union. I looked at the web site a couple times, but since it was in the Cities and I wasn't, I kind of forgot about it for a while. After two years of unsuccessfully looking for work in a place that just didn't fit me, I finally got a job working at a convenience store. I needed the money, but even that was rather disheartening at times; selling cigraettes to unwed mothers barely out of their teens *while they hold their babies*, for instance. It was only temporary, though; that was the plan, anyway. I don't need to tell you that serving worldly people can be very different from serving people who follow God; the circumstances of the job itself were pretty poor, and after a month, and two incidents in which folks with *less* than the standard measure of patience decided to complain about the way I did things, the company let me go; they didn't even do *that* very well, either. However, I *had* been saving my money. And I remembered a standing offer from my old roommate's parents that if I ever came to Minneapolis to live and work, they'd give me a place to stay until I got on my own feet. So, not more than two weeks after I got fired, I moved to Minneapolis. It was early May of 2005 when I moved, and not even a week after that, I landed a job with a temp agency doing far more agreeable work- data entry, mostly- for almost twice what I made in that convenience store. That line of work was very solid, all the way through my move to my own apartment in December 2005. Between that time and summer of 2006, though, the temp work became... unreliable, and so I started looking for other jobs, and I kept praying and believing God. Finally, in early June this year, I took on a temp-to-hire contract at Covalence Plastics in Bloomington, making the same kind of money and doing the same kind of work, but this time as a trial run for the filling of a soon-to-be-vacated position. Now, as of last week, I'm no longer a temp; I *officially* work as a customer service representative, meaning I deal with corporate customers, shippers and warehouses in addition to the order entry I started off with; and this came with a pay raise, full benefits and a 401K. You might be wondering what in the heck I got an art degree for; well, Minnesota isn't exactly bursting at the seams with positions for the kind of artwork I do (which tends more toward medieval fantasy illustration), but it's been in me since I was a kid. It occured to me some time ago that if anything was going to happen, I would have to just *do* something. So, in my off time I've been writing an outline and making sketches for a new story set in the Star Wars universe, spanning three graphic novels/trade paperbacks.
Going backward a bit... in August 2005 (before I got my apartment), it occured to me that since I *live* in Minneapolis, I could look into this Christian night club, which I did; it was no longer called the New Union, but Club 3 Degrees. I would find out later that the name was derived from the three degrees of God's glory: His goodness, His presence, and His manifestation. Anyway, I looked up the address on the internet; it was (and still is, and *will* be for some time) about a 30-minute walk from where I lived the first part of last year. Curious, more willing now to take chances, and- let's face it- needing to meet new people, I went there to hang out a couple times in the lounge on the lower level (which has no cover); I kept to myself, but I really liked the music and the atmosphere. I found out soon after that they held church there on Sunday and Wednesday evenings; among other things, I was in need of a good church, and I liked the place already, so I attended a Sunday night service. After several months away from home, I'd finally found the right place; passionate teaching in a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled congregation that happily spreads the message of salvation in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Praise and worship was awesome, too; a full band that plays generally upbeat, often funky modes of music. I said within myself, if it's *this* good two more times in a row, I'm staying and making this home church. Not long after that, I took another small leap, and began volunteering there, without even really knowing anybody personally yet. That was September of last year, and I've kept at it ever since. The dry-ish spell in my day jobs between December and June was a great time to serve more frequently, stepping out in faith *this* way, stepping out in faith *that* way... and after a year being plugged into such a great place, I have a circle of *wonderful* Christian people to build me up, and to build up in turn. I still have a long, long way to go in my own walk, but I know I'm going in the right direction. As far as specifics go in my volunteering at Club 3 Degrees, I'm part of the cafe team, meaning I work mostly in the downstairs lounge (sometimes in the upstairs bar, just off of the club/stage area), take orders for food and drinks (which DO NOT include alcohol, praise God), and often make and serve them up myself; I get complimented on my smoothies pretty frequently. I've since branched out a little here and a little there, of course, but cafe is mainly my thing. Perhaps the most important lesson I've taken to heart during the past year has been to step out in faith, and *take* those chances; this extends even to the job I'm in now, which I ostensibly had no real training for and *wouldn't* have slid into with such ease if not for God, and it extends to the book I'm writing now. Pastor Steve has taught several times on trusting God and stepping out in faith into those things which promise to be really good, but *seem* impossible, and I'll never forget one simple thing he said on the subject: God is *in* the impossible. This means that He's not in our *comfort zone*, just sitting around while *we* sit around; but He's out there, waiting for us in those things which *don't* seem possible to our eyes, because *all* things are possible *with* Him. And so, He waits for us in the impossible, beckoning us to come forward, because where *we* can't do it, *He* can do it through us, and glory to His Name for that. I remember when I was offered the job I have/got promoted to; I was apprehensive, I wasn't sure I could do it, but something inside recalled those words: "God is *in* the impossible."
So, that's where I'm at now; I've got a job that can provide my earthly needs and more for the time being, I keep on with my own artwork and writing, and through it all I have a *great* community of believers and a truly unique outlet for serving God. I'm *still* looking for a girl, but at least I'm in the right place for it. ;)
And I think that about does it; let me know if you get this message, and if you need anything else. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll see you again.

Sam Neidhardt, class of 2002/2003

Name: Sal Monteagudo
Place of Birth: St. Paul, MN
City, State,-Country: Morris, MN
Major: Liberal Arts for the Human Services
Year Graduated: June 1999
Personal Testimony

God Moving Moments at UMM

{IVCF Archive}

Prayer Walk for 7days @7am in the Fall of 1997

IVCF 1998 Fall Retreat
can you name each person here and do you know where they are now?

Catch the Fire 99', Hugh Laybourn shares on the Holy Spirit (sponsored by Morris Community Church Campus Ministr)

Gospel Explosion 1999

*Note: Please feel free to contact me of any memorable moments where you personally felt God moved in our campus. If you have pictures, please send it to me. Otherwise, please e-mail me specifically the date if you could remember with the event. Thanks!

Cool Related Sites:

  • Mentorship the focus of post-college outreach,Posted: 14 October, 2008 (Mission Network News)

  • "USA (MNN) ― Fall means homecoming celebrations on college campuses, bringing a migration of alumni back to their alma maters.
    Doug Nickelson is alumni director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He says they've found ministry in the transition that comes post-graduation. "Our purpose on campus is about lifelong discipleship, not just fellowship and living a Christian life on the campus. So when we're forward-looking at developing 'world changers,' we're also looking at our alumni to see what's happening in their life -- are they exemplify that lifelong discipleship?"
    If you want more details about the alumni work of InterVarsity, click here. "

    Other UMM Alumn Related Websites

    Below are separte student organization's I was involved in when I attended UMM from 1995-1999. I met many diverse people in UMM when I got involved with different student organizations (culturally, religiously, etc..) Sadly to say, it does appear these links I set up are segregated. Explanation down below.....

  • UMM Alpha & Omega Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Asian Student Association Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM International Student Association Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Morris Community Church Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumn's Overall Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumni Relations

    Profile Publication

    Up-Coming UMM Alumn Events

    IVCF Reunion on Saturday, October 4th of 2008 in Twin Cities

    Hi Sara, Sorry for this late response on my profile. Thanks for doing this and please say hi to everybody. God bless, Sal:) 1. Picture (see attachment)
    * for more IVCF archive photos =>
    a. Basics: I currently live in Morris still since 99' when I graduated. I've been working for the same company (Prairie Community Services-serve as a "caregiver" for developmentally-disabled adults in a group home setting) since I first started after graduation, which was first intended be just a part-time job "temporary" for the summer only (participated in a 10-week "ministry school") after graduation. God had other plans! I'm now only "part-time" or "on-call" status for PCS as I currently work for the Stevens County-Developmentally Achievement Center (serve as a "job coach" for developmentally disabled adults in various community job settings since 05'). My other career avenues is teaching English as a Second Language, which I've served as a volunteer since 04' through the Minnesota Literacy Council-Morris Community Ed. I"m currently pursuing a teacher's license and a master degree (studying on-line through Hamline University).
    b. Contact info:
    Sal Monteagudo
    109 E. 3rd St.
    Morris, MN 56267
    H# 320.585.5573

    3. "Life Lessons-from God": God is currently teaching me to be "more" dependent on Him through past, current, and future trials in life. I've learned and still continue to learn from "mistakes". The "Great Co-Mission" is a teamwork (e.g. baseball) effort as a body of believers (locally, nationally, and globally).

    UMM Local Young(ish) Alumni Potluck

    *Note: I'm not intentionally segregating each race. I'm actually distinguishing each student organization I was involved in with each former alumn's experience (each has a different question as each member came from a different background and went through a different experience here at UMM) with each organization. God has opened my eyes when I was an "involved" student at UMM and continues to do so after living here. Getting involved with various student organizations was a time of searching my identity, which I found it-in Christ-one of many God's children I think that is why it's been hard to leave "Motown"!

  • UofM Alumni Survey
  • UMM On the Web

    *disclaimer note: all these videos are not "appropriate" and I don't support everything said

    Coach Greese

    University of minnesota morris assassins (w/Winston)

    "This is an old tape from college, whe... This is an old tape from college, when we were playing the game assassins, in the dorms."
    *I remember this game (98'-99') that we all played back at UMM

    Graduation Resources



  • Spreadthenewsdesigns
  • -Inspirations

  • Dayspring, christian inspiration e cards
  • Divine Productions
  • Hallmark, online e-cards
  • Mp3HolySpirit
  • 123 Greetings
  • Gifts

  • Graduation Shop, from
  • Job Opportunities


    UMM News

  • Strategic Positioning Info, goal to be leading university for teaching, research, and outreach

  • -UMM-Strategic

    This page is dedicated to Stu Farm...

    Mr. Farm was a committed servant for the Lord as he stayed an extra 5 years after graduation to minister to college students through a book table outreach. I personally thank the Lord for using Mr. Farm to plant seeds in my first year before I came to a personal relationship with Jesus. He in fact gave me my first ever personal Bible (unfortunately was lost 4 years later at a open air church service)! Also, he would pray with me many times before and after I received Christ into my life! His work caused me to continue to do what I'm doing as I will be going into my 5th year of campus ministry after I graduated in 1999. Thanks Mr. Farm for your servant heart. Stu Farm is now married and lives in North Dakota as part of a local church's planting church team outside of Morris, MN. Please feel free to e-mail me any remarks of Mr. Farm to be put below this....

    Thank you for visiting GoodnewsUMM! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

    Return to Good News UMM's LAHS Webpage

    Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!