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Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001

The love and smiles of the many people we lost will not be seen again.

The families of these victims are now in pain, at the loss of their loved ones.

The families and communities of our firefighters will grieve, yet hold their heads high with pride. The children will remember their parents tears, they will look up to the sky and wonder where that plane is heading and will it make it safely to its destination.

The parents will look upon their children, and wonder how far in life will they get to live. Will they get to be grandparents, or has this monster destroyed our families to come.

Young mothers bringing their babies into this world are sad, crying, saying "what have I done"? Fathers feel helpless, saying "I can't even protect my own family"

But we the people, the people of all the world have finally gotten the message. Despite all the horror and pain and saddness...we found the Creators true meaning of life. We no longer sit here and look upon each other as another people, but as our brothers and sisters. Something native americans have done all this time.

We have finally looked at what we are made of.. the late reknowned Carl Sagan said "We are all made of star stuff". One star may be brighter than another, perhaps because it learned of more love in its time. I too ,believe we hold the same brilliance and light to shine upon one another. We are made up of the same star stuff...that the Creator made.. his message for us is about love, that we are all the same, this is lifes purpose. We may have different beliefs, different color skin, different lifestyles, but inside.. that star stuff is the same..its called love. That is the true being of our spirit and hearts.

Who would have believed that a place like New York City... where hundreds of nationalities dwell, where crime, ego and materialness exists, that so much love and compassion has been shown. No one cared about money that day. No one cared about the color of our skin. No one cared about what religion we practiced or what we wore. We cared about life.

Our tears fell and still fall for every single person, for every family effected, for our brother and sister countries, that have stood beside us and wept. Have you ever seen such love and unity? Yes, things have changed.

May faith, love and healing be with your spirit!

Written by Keetonah

September 18, 2001

In our Minds

In Our Hearts

In Our Body

In our Spirit

The Healing Place