How praying can heal
By praying, we don't need to recite a special prayer, though in the bible Jesus asks us to pray the "Our Father". We can still speak to the Creator in our humble voices and our simple words. The Creator has so many gifts for us in our lifetime, but if we don't ask, we shall not recieve. Some of us were raised believing its not right or proper to ask. But he wants us to ask for even the unimaginable. By asking we show our faith, and we open new opportunities for ourselves. By praying we can ask for forgiveness, we can release all our guilt and angers and fears. For they are what is stopping us from living full wonderful happy lives that the Creator so intended for us to live.
Think of all the troubles you hold there, all the stress, all the anger and fear. We think we have to handle all that alone, but we don't. Spirit is there for us to help us. All we have to do is release all our fears and anxieties to him and he will take them away and replace it with faith and love. The Creator wants us to live in our bodies, and minds and spirits with peace and love surrounding us. We make life so complicated and difficult, and end up blaming him, or loosing our faith because we feel he failed us. He never fails, and he never fails us. We forget that he is there to take our troubles away, we can replace our fears, and anxieties with his love. If we live with open hearts, always welcoming in Spirit, he will always provide and protect us.
We often say, "Well I asked the Creator to help me out here, or to give me an answer, but obviously either he forgot me or he's not listening". You may even think you are not worthy enough for him to devote his time and love to. But you are. As long as you ask for forgiveness, you are forgiven. You are always heard, but do we always listen. No, we are not going to hear this big thunderous voice come down from the heavens and say.. Okay Tom, or Joe..etc.. Here I am, now listen to what I say. No, no, no, we hear his voice when we sit quietly and meditate. When we clear our heads of all conscious thoughts. When we are asleep at night, or bowing our head in prayer. You will hear a voice within you, that you feel in your heart, and it will stay with you and you will know, it is the voice of the Creator. He will tell you so many things, secrets you have been wanting to know. The Creator never abandons us, we only think so when we don't take the time to listen with our hearts.