Healing Angels of Connecticut

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For children of all ages who have cancer, leukemia and other immune deficiency diseases.

Welcome to Healing Angels of Connecticut. This is a place where children, teens and adults who have cancer or other immune related diseases come to, who want to learn how to heal in body, mind and spirit. We don't always realize the other resources out there that can help us to heal, nor do we realize what we are doing in our lives that help promote our illnesses. What you see here on this page is just an outline of what goes on here, and I enlighten and treat my patients (angels) of all ages.

  • What I offer you

    If you or your child has just learned that he or she has an illness such as cancer, leukemia, aids, or any other immune system illness, I hope this will help you to seek out the appropriate care. For some people chemotherapy and radiation and chemical drugs work, others it does not. One of the key ways to heal, is to not just treat the body but the mind and spirit also. Cancer is a DIS-Ease, not only do we get cancer from our enviroment and water today, we get it from our own minds. I know you might think that seems strange, but we humans are our own worst enemy. We hold in guilt, anger, fear, greed, sadness, pain etc..., this allows our immune system to weaken, we reach out to punish ourselves from within, the dormant cancer cell which lies within all of us, now sees the opportunity to sabatoge. We go to the doctors, we get chemotherapy or radiation, and a year or so later, we get the cancer back. Why? We don't rid ourselves of the problem, of the pain, of the guilt. We must change our lives and attitudes, and spirits to keep that cancer away. The chemotherapy kills all our cells, the good and bad. Our body needs protection, preparation for that chemo treatment if you so choose to take that route. I am a naturalist, I think doctors are wonderful, medicine has come a long way, I am thankful for our surgeons and medical personel, but I don't exactly agree with the ways the medical field is handling the personal involvement and approach to healing. I personally don't agree with these poisons they put into us, by either mouth, injection or machines. But it is not my position to discourage you from it or change your mind. I am here to offer you alternative ways to treat the diseases, to work in tandem with traditional medicines and doctors, and to help your body while you are going through these treatments and teach you all I can to survive and live a long healthy and happy life.

    Healing Angels
    I refer the "healing angels" to the children, as children are our very own special angels, and it is my goal to help heal as many children as I can.

    Some steps to take and therapy for healing:

    • Healing Foods
      In this course, I teach children and parents what foods to avoid that trigger cancer and ones that lower our immune system. I also explain what foods will cleanse heal and detoxify our bodies and help to make them well again.

    • Healing Water
      Water is so very important in our lives, many of us drink soda, or juice, or contaminated water. We don't drink merely enough water that our bodies need to flush out toxins and hydrate us throughout the day. This session helps children to understand the sacredness and nourishment of water. Most people die not from the diseases themselves, but of actual dehydration.

    • Healing Hands
      This session is a hands on healing treatment where, healing energy is applied to the child from my hands, to unblock chakras, build up the immune system and repair damaged tissue and blood cells, needed for healing. Reiki or hands on healing, has been known to help lower tumor markers in some patients and heal many diseases, although individuals are responsible for their own healing and progress.

    • Healing of Mind and Spirit
      It is my belief that the only true way to healing is to treat not only the body, but the mind and spirit. As in the above classes, I teach how different foods, herbs and water is important to healing, but the mind and spirit too need nourishment. With the right mindset and faith, all blend in together with the ultimate healing experience. As a Hypnotherapist, there are other areas such as visualization and suggestive thinking that also can be applied to boost the immune system and empower the childs mind to actually fight the cancer in their subconcious. As I was taught by my teachers, the mind is a very powerful thing. It has been proven in such theroies as the placebo effect. A child can actually have one of their x-rays hung up on a window, and pretend they are fighting against aliens etc..., they can actually believe that by destroying these aliens (cancer cells) and envisioning it, that the cancer cells will die and disappear, and in some cases they do. All just by the power of suggestion and belief.

    • Sound and Color therapy
      They also will be taught to meditate, and calm their minds, especially when they are afraid, they are taught visualizations in color therapy, colors that feel good around them and make them feel calm, and others that make them feel strong and invincible.

    • "When the Angels Came"
      This a childrens book that I wrote, for those that are terminally ill, explaining what happens when we die. Many adults cannot bear, nor begin to know how to explain the world beyond, my book helps not only the parent with answers, but the child to understand and look at death as another adventure and time and place for our spirits to go to.

    • My gift to your child
      For the past 7 years I have made "Healing Angels" for children and adults alike, who have been terminally ill, or struck with a sickness or tragedy. To give a child hope, faith, healing, love and comfort, to me is the greatest gift anyone can give, and so each child and patient of mine recieves one of my special prayed upon "Healing Angels" to take home with them, be it to doctors visits, treatments or just to snuggle up to at night. Children find so much comfort in something tangible that they can hold and relate to a story or an experience. This is a powerful tool, to aid in healing of all ages. My angels have even brought fourth miracles.

    • I speak here mainly about children, but I do treat the young and the old. I would never turn someone way due to age. I hope that I have enlightened you on some of the alternative treatments and therapies for yourself or your childs ultimate healing experience.
      The Healing Angels of Connecticut is run by donations only. Thank you for your gift, so that I may continue helping others to heal.

      You can email me at: thehealingangel@aol.com

      Love and healing,

      Denise is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Hands on Healer, Intuitive Reiki Master, Spiritual and Grief Counselor and is working on many areas of counseling and publishing books on healing the body, mind and spirit. She has also studied herbs and aromatherapy, healing stones, native american medicine, psychology, behavior management, post traumatic stress disorder and cancer related materials for the last 14 years.

      Please click here to see my other sites at The Healing Angel

      If you would like to receive "The Healing Newsletter" please drop me an email at thehealingangel@aol.com

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