As there are people who sacrifice their lives
for others, there are also the creatures of the earth and sea that too give of themselves. The creator provided us with all the foods and healing plants
here on mother earth so we may live and learn
to love and to teach. We are not to judge others actions or spirits. We are not to look down upon others that have not learned lifes lessons as we have, we are to help them see.
The traditon of the Makah people is to go on this
great whale hunt, not for pleasure but to honor spirit.
These people are not out every day hunting whales..
its only a few times a year and every part of the whale
is used to feed their people. It is not a victory to kill a whale.. the victory comes in honoring spirit and providing foods for their people.
Many of you do not complain about the tuna fish that
was killed for you to eat.. nor the chicken.. nor the cow..or lamb. Even our plants.. they are alive with spirit, have living cells.. yet I see no one judge vegetarians.
And I wonder also, do the people who stand out making websites against these people and other groups honor the animals' life they eat, or the plant they take from? For those of you who are not native americans,
do you know that before we take of anything our mother
earth provides we pray over it.. ask for its help and give thanks. The whalers do not go out there to kill a beast..
they go out there and ask that whale, so honored and important to their community, for its food,and oils..for their people. Everything that whale provides is put to use. Not like hunters who kill deer or other animals for sport. Why is a whale so much different than a tuna, or swordfish or dolphin or flounder.. is it because its so much bigger? I don't like the killing of any creature..or any plant. But we could not survive without them. And did you ever think.. I know it sounds a bit crazy..but.. perhaps to the whale.. (in a whales world)to be chosen to offer ones nourishment.. its life..might just be an honor.
Now I know you will say.. she is nuts.. but listen ..
its not so nuts.. what about our vietnam vets and
soldiers today.. many of them signed up to go out there
and sacrifice their life .. it was such an honor to fight or die for your country.. how sad.. but proud are we of our men who sacrificed their lives.. for honor..for others... they are heros in heart and war.
What if in the whale world they understood something
we dont know.. what if they too like a soldier is sacrificing its life.. in honor for honor?
Humans are learning much about the ways of our mammals and creatures of this earth.. give the creatures.. some credit of learning about us. After all these years.. I believe the whales know the Makah. To give up its feed over 1800 people, just might be the biggest honor for that whale.
So in these human hearts of ours.. let us not be so quick to judge. The Makah are good people as you and I are, give them some credit for their beliefs, traditions, ceremonies, and ways.
If you must worry about anything and make websites and
writings.. dont make them of people who know
honor and respect.. make them to help people..
such as the ones who just cannot see.
It is an honor to be chosen.