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Aaron's B-Day

Aaron Gets 24 Spankings on 31st

Waldo's Bar, down the alley from the Spry jam spot, was the eventual site of Aaron's final birthday celebration on the 31st of August. "Yeah, we jammed before-hand, but needed to go out to celebrate officially," said some guy who stopped by the house that night.

At the bar a 5', 300 lb. woman found out that it was Aaron's birthday and insisted on giving Aaron a spanking. "Everyone hooted and hollered, and before I knew it she had Aaron up against the pool table, pulled his pants down roughly 4 and 3/4 inches, and was spanking him as hard as she could," said Steve Olmstead, keyboard player for Spry. When Ellie, Aaron's girlfriend, was asked to comment, she was reportedly laughing too hard to respond.

Later that night, the woman who gave Aaron the spanking approached him sheepishly and asked if he had found her finger nail in his pants. Aaron reportedly hadn't.


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