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Eric Takes a shit on Aaron

We were rehearsing for our first big gig at the Red Carpet in St. Cloud the Wednesday before the show. Aaron didn't show up and we were working on "Band Keeps Playing." Dylan, Aaron and I usually sang the "Once a night..." part, but since Aaron wasn't at the jam, Dylan and I sang it by ourselves and realized it sounded much better with only the two voices. We knew Aaron would still want to sing the part, so Eric agreed to keep him busy when that part came up at the show in St. Cloud.

When we got to that part of the tune on stage, Dylan and I looked at Eric, and just as Aaron was walking up to the mic to sing the part, Eric said, "Hey, dude, I've got to tell you something important!" Eric went on to tell Aaron that we decided at jam that during the next tune I would take my shirt off and lie on the stage and Aaron would shit on my chest. Where that idea came from, I'll never know.

All Dylan and I could hear as we were trying to sing our parts was Aaron yelling, "What are you talking about? Are you serious?" We were laughing so hard we blew the whole vocal part anyway.

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