Besides his virtuoso keyboard skills and bazaarly sharp intelligence, Steve has a very important function in this group. He's like the gear box in my truck when it comes to our writing. Because of his quick attention to detail and his amazing knowledge of theory and the way chord tones fit together, Steve is able to shift our tunes from garage band gear to Zappa gear in about 60 seconds. He plays a major role in making a Jeff Siegfried tune into a "SPRY" tune. It's like having an extremely creative and deliberate editor work on my stuff. The results are amazing.
And now Steve is stepping beyond that role and is delving into his own writing head-first. It's great to hear his ideas coming to life and becoming a part of our new sound, and it's exciting to watch his abilities constantly blossom.
We're pretty lucky to have Steve still playing with us. I hate to use the G word since it is so overly used, but he does have some amazing skills, and I'm glad he has chosen to show them off with us.