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Aaron Finds Unsolicited Praise for Puafua

Aaron Finds a Relic on Internet: Unsolicited Praise for Puafua
Aaron says praise is..."enjoyable"

From Thu Aug 2 22:26:41 2001

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:55:52 -0800

From: Jon Hose


Subject: Hello... compliments on website

Hey Catness

Is that your name?

Anyway I first encountered your page a few years ago... one of the first websites I ever saw, found it via a search on the word "motorcycle"

Now, giga visits to other websites later... I did a search to re-look at your page and still think your creative brand of thinking is especially neat.

This time my search on "catness" also yielded the following link Check out the references to "catness" (you know about it?) I downloaded a sample of this band's music... it's enjoyable.

Righteous Rides...

Jon Hose

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