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High-Functioning Depression: 17 Truths Sufferers Wish You Knew

Typically, when people think of depression, they think of someone laying in bed, catatonic for days. However, the truth of the matter is much different.

Actually, many people suffer from depression and don’t show the symptoms. Instead, they are considered high-functioning, or people who can get their day-to-day tasks done, in spite of their depression. Yet, at the end of the day, they are suffering just as much as anyone else with clinical depression and possibly more. As a person with high-functioning depression, there are a number of truths I wish the world understood.

1. Just because I go to work, cook, clean and do my day-to-day tasks I am still in pain.

2. While I may smile, it doesn’t mean that I don’t need help, too.

3. Yes, I do need my therapy, in spite of my seemingly normal state of mind.

4. During an event, I struggle so hard to talk to and relate to people. Inside, I am dying.

5. I am strong, but not as strong as you think.

6. Just because I eat, sleep normally, and smile doesn’t mean my illness isn’t real.

7. I can’t just get over it because it isn’t that I am just sad. Actually, I am downright depressed.

8. The smallest actions on your part can make or break my day.

9. Even though I can get tasks accomplished doesn’t mean it is easy for me to do so.

10. Please, even when I seem ok, check on me.

11. If my outsides matched how I felt inside, you would know I am suffering.

12. Distractions are welcomed, as I have to distract myself constantly, but outside help is needed sometimes.

13. My condition isn’t your fault or anyone else’s.

14. I feel so alone, even when I am in a room full of people.

15. I don’t mean to push you away.

16. I promise I don’t mean to seem so far away, I am just lost in my thoughts.

17. It’s so loud inside of my head that I have a difficult time paying attention, please be patient with me.