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Two Excellent Books on Cyber-Bullying

Bullycide in America:
Moms speak out about the bullying/suicide connection.

This is a book of real stories about real kids. Kids who took their own lives because they thought it was their only way out of a hopeless situation. It is about the tragic choices they made in an effort to end the pain - when they believed there was no other solution.

It is told by mothers who are willing to share their own personal pain as they watched their children suffer and struggle. It is about their own efforts to advocate for their children while they continue to deal with their own devastating loss and the aftermath of bullycide.


Bullycide: Death at Playtime

Excellent research. Well written work. So difficult to read the torment these children suffered. Bullycide is presented by writers Marr and Field in a straight forward, non theatrical manner. The facts of the cases speak for themselves. Books such as Bullycide are a must read. This book will help to enlighten readers to the terrible torment children who are bullied endure.

Excellent work, highly recommended for all teachers, parents and those who work with children on any level.

More books on Cyber-Bullying can be found here.