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Teen's suicide is tragic lesson: Sun News Editorial

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This week is Suicide Prevention Week and ironically, one local family is dealing with the issue.

As more than 500 members and supporters of the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention began their annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk last Saturday morning at Wade Oval in Cleveland, word was spreading about the suicide of a 14-year-old Avon Lake High School freshman that very morning. A volunteer at the event asked for prayers for her family.

The teen was popular, attractive and those who knew her said she seemed normal and happy. But obviously, something was very wrong.

As one mother of a classmate said, “The outpouring of grief in this community and from these students is just about unbearable, but they are rising up . . . There were certainly signs that this was imminent, which is so unfortunate. Had someone seen, maybe this could have stopped her. These students are going through something no one — let alone 14-year-olds already filled with doubt and low self-esteem — should have to go through.”

Could her death have been prevented? Possibly, if someone had recognized and heeded the warning signs. AFSP representatives said getting informed is a vital step. There are suicide risk factors, warning signs and information about how to help someone who is in crisis at That information could help save lives.

The organization is trying to raise awareness to help inform the public about suicide and ways to prevent it. Share the information with friends and family; be sure they know the warning signs; share links on social media; post the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline logo, which contains a toll-free hotline number (800-273-8255) to promote help-seeking behavior.

Get involved by joining AFSP’s field advocate program and work to make suicide prevention a local and national priority. Make a donation to the organization to help with its mission and/or volunteer. It can help survivors heal.

The family and friends who are struggling to cope with the sudden loss of this teen need the love and support of the community. Avon Lake school officials arranged for grief counselors to be available. Students are wearing her favorite color, making memorials and tributes to her. They created hundreds of cards to express their sympathy to the family. The school district is accepting donations for a scholarship fund in her honor. Avon Lake Presbyterian Church is sponsoring a meeting for students and parents on grief and hope and suicide prevention 7-8:30 p.m. Sunday. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Jim Butler of Lakewood Presbyterian Church, who did his doctoral studies on suicide bereavement. Dr. Scott Francy, a pediatrician, Beau Dansizen, youth director and the Rev. Charlie Swartz, pastor, also will be available. This session can provide information and healing.

The tragic loss of this bright, young girl should serve as a wakeup call.

Suicide is a national health problem. It’s an issue that permeates every level of society in every community. Most of us shun the topic, but awareness of the issue is crucial. If you or someone you know is in crisis or feeling suicidal, help is available. Reach out, share the information and take advantage of it.

Help is there. Suicide can be prevented.