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What are the Uses?

Buspirone, or Buspar, introduced in 1979, is used to treat: Anxiety or Nervous Tension or Self-injurious behaviors or aggression in developmentally disabled adults. For some people, BuSpar is a good alternative to benzodiapines since it does not act as a sleep agent like other antianxiety medications. This medication works by creating changes in important brain chemicals (e.g. dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin), resulting in a calming effect.

When Will My Medication Start to Work?

Buspar(buspirone) takes about two to four weeks to begin working. It may take longer to experience the full effects of Buspar, which depends on dosage and varies from person to person.

Any Other Important Information?

If you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, discuss the potential risks of this or any medication with your doctor. If you possess liver or kidney problems, the dosage of Buspar may have to be lowered.

What Are the Side Effects?

Remember that only some people will experience side effects and that no one experiences side effects in exactly the same way. If you experience any side effects, contact your doctor or clinician right away and continue taking your medication. The following list may not contain all of the side effects associated with this medication.

Most common side effects: Mild drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia/dream disturbances

Infrequent side effects: Headache, nausea, faintness, excitement

Rare side effects: Risks tremors/rigidity(at high doses), movement disorders, tingling sensations, increased high blood pressure, sexual difficulties.

Are there any Drug Interactions?

Remember, always follow your physician's recommendations on how to take your medication. Even if you are taking one of the following substances, continue taking your medication as prescribed and consult your physician. Also, if you are taking any herbal remedies, vitamins, and/or over-the-counter medications, be sure to tell your physician. The following section offers some, but not necessarily all, of the possible drug interactions.

Do NOT take Buspar (buspirone) with MAO Inhibitors; serious, even fatal, interactions can occur. Luvox (fluvoxamine) when combined with Buspar may cause a serious slowing of the heart, thus doses should be lowered. Narcotics such as Percodan (oxycodone) may increase sedation and may decreases breathing (respiratory depression). It is advised to avoid alcohol in excessive amounts when taking BuSpar due to possible adverse reactions.