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The Covenant House

The Covenant House is similar to what I want to build or run. If you are in need of help right now please call them (1-800-999-9999). They don't need to know your name or where you live, they will just talk to you or help you find someone to see near your home. I highly recommend them. They are open everyday 24 hours a day.

Need to talk?

Call the Covenant House Nineline: 1-800-999-9999; TTY: 1-800-999-9915

When you are upset, it's hard to think logically about what is best. That's why Nineline exists.

We can:

Talk with you whether or not you tell us your name or where you are
Listen to what's going on at home, help sort out the problem and think about who can help.
Help figure out how to talk with parents
Find someone nearby to talk with
And we don't judge - we just listen

Covenant House Nineline is a 24-hour, toll-free crisis hotline which provides crisis intervention, referral and information services to homeless, runaway and other troubled youth and their families throughout the U.S.

With a database of over 26,000 agencies, trained crisis counselors are able to refer callers to help in their The Nineline handles calls from young people with a broad range of problems.

Some have just left home and call from a telephone booth or a friend's house; others have been on the streets for weeks, months or even years.

Most calls, however, are from young people who are still at home.

Some call because they need help talking to their parents.

Others call because they are victims of child abuse or need help dealing with a drug or alcohol problem.

The Nineline also receives numerous calls from youths who are contemplating suicide, and from youths affected by violence in their communities