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September 16, 2001
(Sadly, this was the weekend after the horrific 9/11
tragedy so there were not as many people as I had hoped.)

Benefit at the Quest
Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Quest was absolutely wonderful to us.
They donated the whole place to us and it is huge!
I think it normally costs $2500 to rent the room we were in,
plus pay all the employees and the Bands.
Jack from the band With. and Shannon arranged it all, I can't thank them enough!

Ad placed in one of the local Papers

Sub Level was one of the bands

The Band WITH. Played

We were bored so we blew up illstandbyyou balloons
Nobody really cared

Jamie, Saire, Renee, and Liz
hmmmm....are we having fun yet?

Saire, Renee, and Me
(Those are the T-Shirts you would be ordering,
on the back it says "You are not alone")
If you have any ideas on how to make them better, please let me know.

Me and Renee on Stage talking about Teen Suicide

By the way, BFD stands for Black Flood Diesel

At least we got our message across.