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Basic Elements To Consider When Addressing A Suicidal Young Person:

1. One does not encourage a young person by talking about the issue. Don't fear addressing it.

2. Suicidal tendencies are not inherited. Some young people will fear that possibility.

3. If the suicidal student makes improvement, the suicide risk is decreased, but can still exist.

4. There is no such thing as "a lost cause" when someone is suicidal.

5. Never assume that talk of suicide is simply a manipulation for attention. What if you are wrong?

6. If the suicidal person is in counseling or therapy, don't assume they are safe from suicide.

7. Suicide never just comes "out of the blue." There are always personal reasons for the feelings.

8. Just because a person is suicidal doesn't mean suicide will always be an option.

9. Having previously failed an attempted suicide doesn't protect someone from another attempt.