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The recommended initial dose is 50 mg/day. If necessary, it may be increased up to a maximum of 200 mg/day. How zoloft works for depression, panic disorder, OCD, and PTSD is not known. What is known is that zoloft may help correct the chemical imbalance of serotonin in the brain.

All medicines for depression, panic disorder, OCD, and PTSD take time to work. Zoloft usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to begin to work. Sometimes it takes as long as 6 to 8 weeks to feel better. People who take zoloft should not expect to feel better right away. It is important to keep taking zoloft as directed by your doctor. People around you may see changes in you before you do.

It is important to keep taking ZOLOFT as long as directed by your doctor.
Even if you feel better, you should not stop taking zoloft without talking to your doctor first.

In studies it has been shown that zolofit is nonaddictive and non-habit-forming.

Some people taking zoloft may get side effects. The most common side effects of zoloft include: upset stomach, having trouble sleeping, diarrhea, dry mouth, sexual side effects in men and women, feeling unusually sleepy or tired, tremor, indigestion, sweating, decreased appetite, and feeling agitated. In clinical studies with zoloft, few patients were bothered enough by side effects to stop taking their medicine.

If you take zoloft, tell your doctor about any side effects. Your doctor will help you find ways to manage them and may adjust your treatment plan.

Overdose Symptoms: Anxiety, dilated pupils, nausea, rapid heartbeat, sleepiness and vomiting.

Zoloft is contraindicated until at least 14 days have passed since discontinuing a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) medicine. MAOI medicines are used to treat depression and other conditions. A patient should never take zoloft at the same time as an MAOI. A patient must wait at least 2 weeks before switching from zoloft to an MAOI or from an MAOI to zoloft.

Always be sure to check with your doctor or healthcare professional if you are taking any other medicine while you are taking zoloft. This includes medicines you can buy with a prescription and those you can buy without a prescription (like cold medicines, sleep aids, and aspirin, as well as herbal and home remedies, vitamins, and mineral supplements).

You should let your doctor know if you become pregnant while you are taking zoloft. You should also discuss breast-feeding with your doctor, and you should let your doctor know if you have liver disease.

Zoloft is a prescription medicine intended for you, so you should always follow your doctor's instructions about taking it. Don't share it with others. You should not drink alcohol if you take zoloft. This includes beer, wine, and hard liquor. When zoloft was studied, it did not increase the effects of alcohol, but using ZOLOFT with alcohol is not advised.