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In July 1999, in the "Manuel L. Almanza Stadium" was the place to raise a glorious platform
for the Lord Jesus, around 15,000 people filled the stadium were the Gospel was preached and
once again the Holy Spirit was present healing many. The crusade was transmitted by "Azteca
T.V." and many made their decision for Christ from their homes, but it wasn't all…during the
campaign many arrived to testify that God had healed them watching the live program on t.v.
There is no doubt that our God is all powerful. In all of our crusades we have received
testimonies of people healed by the Lord as they watched.


From August 3rd to 6th 1999, in Ciudad Victoria Mexico was impacted by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Glory of the Lord filled the "Praxedis Balboa Stadium" and thousands gave their lives to
Christ. The Lord permitted once again that his Name be glorified; also as in other places
our Lord Jesus healed many. This time 2 television channels broadcast the crusade. The unity
of the pastors was admirable with several congregations organizing the event with a single
heart with this we can see that there is truly victory in Ciudad victoria. All the glory is


In October 1999, the "Marcelino Gonzales Auditorium" in Zacatecas, Mexico, was a place
where we saw again the God's power. In this crusade God used to the pastors for to heal the
sick by the mornings. In the nights the presence of God full the auditorium and many
gave their lives to Jesus Christ. This crusade was transmitted by T.V. and many people
was healed in their houses.
