A clear sky in Manitoba on Feb. 11,2000 except for all these trails that started showing up near Portage la Prairie. Used a camcord to get these images around 05:20Pm central. All day lines showing up towards the south and west of the city. Many planes involved flying at the same altitude, probably 6,000+ meters. At one point there was a plane over Portage, one to the north and another to the south all lined up across from north to south and heading east. The trails dissipated quickly, but by late afternoon you could see a haze of many trails across the sky towards the south west of the city. During this time I noticed that my lips had this burning feel to them. A reaction to chemicals? Last time this happened was on August 18/99 and September 20/99.I have photos from the August 18/99 sprayday on the home chempage. A large cold front developed and pushed down deep into the southern USA after Sept. 20/99 sprayday event.
UPDATE-By Feb.16, I noticed many people with a hacking cough and they would be describing a chest congestion that they had developed. Everywhere you went ,people were coughing. Many with a slight fever and just sick. The flu or flu-like?
This is a south view. East/west and north/south lines here.
This is the same place I took some photos of skytrails on August 18/99.
And a south west view for this image.
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