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§*Me and Fish*§

Well I have so many pictures of just me and Jessica...that I decided to make a page on it...So here are a few of just us....I'll prolly get alot more on here too cuz we be taking alotta pics, anywayz...enjoy!!

This is me and Jess out on da patio!! kinda looks like we are in a sauna...haha...
My eyes are a lil devilish in this pic, :P!

All I hafta say is this pic is soooo cute!!!

Are we not Krazy??? We were just being really dumb, this is by the community center, (The NEW addition to our kickass school!!)

This is me and Jess at my house on New Years Eve
(kinda a weird pic, huh)

Me and Jess just taking anotha pic together!!