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Over the many months I have been a part of RinkChat, I have been in numberous archives. Here is a list of all the archives I've been in (in chronological order) and all the lines that I said. (Note: The lines really don't make sense if you read them here. You actually need to read the archive to understand them)

More Wedding Ceremonies

Marvin: I'm up for it.
Marvin: Yeah, so no beer. Maybe a little wine, but no beer.
Marvin: Fine. We'll have some wine.
* Marvin has a drink
Marvin: So, now we need bridemaids.
Marvin: Moving on...
Marvin: Ready.
Marvin: Of courne ah does, yo' silly.
Marvin: Ummm, just a minute...
* Marvin turns on a fan.
Marvin: Man and Wife, Man and Wife
* Marvin kisses his new wife
Marvin: So, now that Silvercup and I are man and wife, where's the party?
Marvin: Once Sam is sobered up.
Marvin: Sure you can. Think of it as a challenge.
Marvin: So then let Dave do his own ceremony.
* Marvin kisses Silvercup
Marvin: I don't know if I should feel happy or sad...

# of Lines: 18

The Great Ginger Ale Tragedy

Marvin: Dave, I was supposed to ask you about ginger ale...
Marvin: What? Why?
Marvin: Someone want to fill me in?

# of Lines: 3

Group Therapy

Marvin: Let me get Ref...
Ref: There. Now we're ready.
Ref: Is there going to be a fight or not?
Ref: There has to be some sort of competition I can ref...
Ref: Come on, can't you guys play chess or Twister or something?
Ref: I'm going to stand here until there's some sort of competition.
Marvin: I am me, and I'm proud of me, and if I put my mind to it, I can do anything.
Marvin: I am me
Ref: I am you
Marvin: and I'm proud of me.
Ref: and I'm proud of you.
Marvin: and if I put my mind to it, I can do anything.
Ref: and if I put your mind to it, I can do anything.
Marvin: Daruis, I believe you can do it.
Ref: Darius, other people believe you can do it.
Marvin: Yes we all do.
* Marvin hugs Blood Drops.
Marvin: It's ok. We will get you help.
Marvin: Bring it on, little man.
Marvin: Ummm, I don't know...
* Marvin climbs to the roof...
Marvin: Ok.
* Marvin climbs down from the roof.
Marvin: Well, Job, is, umm, well, Job is the, er, umm. Yeah. That's right.
Marvin: You have a very pretty name...
Marvin: you have a nice neck...
Ref: Bring it on.
Ref: Sam is the greatest team player I know.

# of Lines: 28

Stupid Day 2000

* Marvin is still carrying around his umbrella, in case of would-be jumpers.
Marvin: How could I jump on a ghost?
Marvin: Sure. Why would it matter? You're a ghost anyways.
Marvin: Mousie: Visit me. I'm having a party...
Marvin: The two foot area around me.
Marvin: I have a cord...
* Marvin gives Kelly the card.
Marvin: Hold on to metal objects too.
Marvin: Kelly! Are you ok?
* Marvin gives Kelly CPR.
* Marvin is considering beating himself up later tonite in chat...
Marvin: Why would a ghost shave?
Marvin: So like i was saying, we should hold a Stupid Eve Party tonight here in the chat room.
Marvin: YES! Now we need to plan it all out.
Marvin: What's Kiki going to bring?
Marvin: Bring the non-alcoholic beverages.
Marvin: What?
* Marvin starts decorating the chat room.
Marvin: Sam, where are the Christmas decorations?
Marvin: Do you have any decorations handy then?
* Marvin takes down the ceiling tile, exposing electical wire.
Marvin: What if we hang these downfrom the ceiling?
Marvin: I think we need a guest speaker. Any good party has a guest speaker.
Marvin: He's not stupid, just boring.
Marvin: What about Dennis Rodman?
Marvin: Yes! I can see this party is going to be a huge success.
Marvin: How about a chainsaw?
Marvin: Dumb Day?

# of Lines: 28

A Flash In the Eye

Marvin: You mean your getting stupider?
Marvin: But the question is: Will you learn from your mistake, or will we be talking about this tomorrow too?
Marvin: What happens when you runs out of eyes? You going to eat the bulb?
Marvin: Wear a patch and pretend you're a pirate.
* Marvin can't tell if that would be a turn-on or off.
Marvin: I'm thinking turn-off.

# of Lines: 6

Affairs of State

Marvin: Colorado :)
Marvin: Vatican City...

# of Lines: 2

Crazy Insane Play Supreme

Marvin: Hey everyone.
Marvin: Oh great, Mary Poppins.
Marvin: So, we meet for the first time for the last time.
* Marvin hands Mary a taco.
Marvin: Well, there went a perfectly good taco.
Marvin: So, err, umm, what exactly is going on here?

# of Lines: 6

Bleeding Excessively

Marvin: Man, all I've done to myself is fell and broke my collarbone. You people must be suicidal :)
Marvin: Ok. This was about 6 sis years ago, when I was in 5th grade. I was in gym class and we were playing flag football.
Marvin: I was trying to catch someone and I figured, why not just dive and try to grab his flag?
Marvin: So I jumped, and landed right on the ground. Missed him, but I found I couldn't move my left arm.
Marvin: Of course, the stupid gym teacher thought nothing of it, so I had to get up and walk down the hill and into the school all by myself.
Marvin: When I got to the nurse's office, and she immediately told me it was broken.
Marvin: So I had broken my collarbone. I still have the bump today.
Marvin: It turns out I had landed on a rock.
Marvin: That's the only bone I've ever broken.

# of Lines: 9

The Case of the Mangled Wrap

Marvin: It's a microwave!

# of Lines: 1

Mischief In School

Marvin: Why not?

# of Lines: 1

The Affair

Marvin: Sam, whatever happened to that pizza?
Marvin: And you didn't save any for me?
* Marvin shakes his fist at Sam for making him hungry. If he didn't eat all the pizza, he wouldn't have this problem.
Marvin: Ummm, I didn't do it.
Marvin: Can I call you Supa-Fly?
Marvin: Not that I'm actually going to call you that...

# of Lines: 6

Second Special Secret Ending

Marvin: I've beat it :)
Marvin: Nope...

# of Lines: 2


* Marvin survives
* Marvin pulls Sakura out of the Cheese Whiz
* Marvin throws a bag of crackers into the pool of Cheese Whiz
* Marvin dives head first into the Cheese Whiz
* Marvin stands up with a mouthful of Cheese Whiz and crackers
* Marvin builds up a huge wall of Cheese Whiz
* Marvin eats all the Cheese Whiz and crakers

Marvin: :)
Marvin: Well, that takes care of that event.
* Marvin wonders if he can get up 30 meters after eating all the Cheese Whiz.
* Marvin gets a forklift to lift him up the 30 meters.
* Marvin falls off and hits the ground. SPLAT!
* Marvin rolls into the pool...
* Marvin goes on a sudden weight loss program and gets out of the pool

# of Lines: 14

Top Five

* Marvin wonders how much he values his own life.
Marvin: Retort? What's a retort?
Marvin: Fell for what?
Marvin: I don't get it.
Marvin: I don't get it. (Note: NOT a type)
* Marvin turns around.
* Marvin is distracted.

Marvin: There are not my pants. Who's pants are these anyways?
Marvin: So, ummm, hey, how you doin'?
Marvin: That's too bad. You should give back to the elderly.
Marvin: How did Sam die?
Marvin: Poor Sam.....
Marvin: Drum roll please.

# of Lines: 13

The Flame War

Marvin: Darien must really suck or something.
* Marvin stands somewhere reasonalbly close to the sidelines...
* Marvin tries to calm this potentially violent situation.

Marvin: I think everyone should sit down and think about what they're saying.
* Kiki is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Marvin is glad he does not suck
Marvin: I sure am glad I live in Minnesota, a place that cannot be made fun of and stuff
Marvin: Ferrick: Exactl--- waitasec....
Marvin: Us silly? What are you thinking?
* Marvin thinks Sam has a point
Marvin: HI DAVEY

* Sakura is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Leen is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Ellmytuh is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Ellmyruh is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Mousie is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Brunnen_G is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* Ticia is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.
* b_p_e is given a
@-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.

* Stephen is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,-- by Marvin.

# of Lines:28

Wreakers of Things

Marvin: Hey everyone!
* Marvin wonders what an unbraider does. Does he make sure the braids aren't on the ground?
* Marvin unbraides flyingcats.
Marvin: Ha! Take that! You have been unbraided! What will you do now, evil do-er?
Marvin: Irrelevant.
* Marvin has been exsanguinated and doesn't even know what that is
* Marvin unbraids Morris

Marvin: There. Now you're, ummmmm, no longer braided and stuff.
Marvin: Inconceivable!
* Marvin unbraids Ayako's spinal cord, but only because Sam said so.
* Marvin braids Sam so he can unbraid him.
* Marvin braids Ayako
* Marvin unbraides Whisper
* Marvin unbraids all the bricks
Marvin: Mmmmmmmm, chocolate....
Marvin: Mmmmmmm, cookies....

# of Lines: 16

Stupid Day 2001

Marvin: Curses. You people are still talking like Valley girls.
Marvin: Talk to the hand.
* Marvin starts hanging pictures of former US Vice Presidents on the walls.
* Marvin thinks of what else we need to eat. Anyone have Thanksgiving turkey left over?

Marvin: Say, another question: Anyone know how long we're supposed to cook this thing?
Marvin: Oh good, now we have Help.
Marvin: Ummmm, guys, another problem: The cake pan doesn't fit in the oven.
Marvin: Duh! What was *I* thinking?
* Marvin shoves the cake pan into the oven.
* Marvin closes the oven door.
* Marvin is too stupid to run.

Marvin: Ok, everyone out of the kitchen while the cake bakes. * Marvin shoves everyone out of the kitchen and locks the door from the inside.
Marvin: Hey! Some moron locked me in the kitchen!
Marvin: Duh, I already have it on Self-Clean.
Marvin: You know what? I think every car should have a sunroof. In fact, I think I'm going to add sunroofs to all of our cars today. See ya.
Marvin: Fine? Summons? I'm going to for the restraining order!
Marvin: First, I think I'm going to do the cop cars, since they're done so much for our community
* Marvin has a great idea! Why waste time showering naked when I can shower with my clothes on? It saves time AND I get my clothes washed at the same time!
Marvin: Hey, you know, there's a HUGE hill in front of our house. We should open a sledding hill up here. Of course, the highway at the bottom of the hill would be for safety reasons.
Marvin: Usually, I get a big hole in the back of my neck when I catch bullets.
Marvin: Ah, good job.
* Marvin sits on Mousie
* Marvin likes to throw eggs straight up.
* Marvin tries to catch eggs in his mouth

Marvin: Gah! My mouth isn't big enough. Where can I get a bigger mouth?
Marvin: To stab in your eyes, obviously.
Marvin: Sam! I already cleaned the bathroom floor! Then I dumped the contents into the cake batter.
Marvin: Who's Sue?
* Marvin started out yesterday by planning the yearly Stupid party, then he tried to put sunroofs in everyone's cars.
Marvin: Interesting. I was going to put a sunroof in, but the sun wasn't out yesterday.
Marvin: Curses! I'm stuck in GOAT! I'm in the first area and I have NO idea where to go!
Marvin: Ah, i see, Sam. Ok, maybe i don't, I just don't want to sound stupid.
Marvin: hahaahahahahaaha ahaahaha! Waitasec, I don't get it.
Marvin: He can't, but I can.
Marvin: Might as well give me your social security number too

# of Lines: 36

Ice Storms and Woodland Creatures

Marvin: Stop by my house then. We have deer pass by our house all the time.
* Marvin remember seeing some mooses (what's the plural? Mices?) swimming when he was up there.
Marvin: Then you have to rake up the leaves.
Marvin: It does rule.
* Marvin 's school never seems to call off school for some odd reason. The only reason they call it off is if all the surrounding schools cancel too.

# of Lines: 5

Lipstick Express to Canada

Marvin: Yeah?
Marvin: I'm sorry. It's all my fault
Marvin: How will men ever be attracted to you then?
Marvin: Exactly
Marvin: I wanna be in trouble!
* Marvin survives

# of Lines: 5

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